New York Post

Why Goons Attacked Christmas


The weekend attacks on Christmas make perfect sense: After all, compared to the baby butchering, rapes and slaughter by the Hamas terrorists these troublemak­ers back, wrecking a holiday of major religious and cultural import is no big deal.

So on Christmas — a day meant for cheer, goodwill and peace — the pro-terror, anti-Israel goons staged ugly protests throughout Manhattan, clashing with cops after amassing at News Corp headquarte­rs (home of The Post, Fox News and The Wall Street Journal) and Rockefelle­r Center.

They went on to spread ill-will all the way to Union Square, stopping traffic, scrawling graffiti and shouting anti-Israel inanities. Six were arrested.

Their point? To feel self-important, pretend they have power by spoiling the day for others and display their antisemiti­sm for all to see.

Make no mistake: None of these idiots could care less about Palestinia­ns. If they did, they’d demand Hamas end its war by releasing the hostages and surrenderi­ng.

Imagine the Palestinia­n lives that could have been saved if Hamas had been forced to do that immediatel­y after it perpetrate­d its murderous crime against innocent Israelis on Oct. 7. Rather, they want to protect Hamas’ butchers so they can slaughter more Israelis.

No, these antisocial morons care more about hating on Israel and Jews — and snaring the spotlight. As Bob McManus puts it, echoing the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, they are “defining depravity down.” The best way for New Yorkers to respond? Ignore them completely when they’re acting within the law, throw the book at them when they’re not — and, in either case, write them off as the malicious losers they are.

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