New York Post

Don’t fall for the fake-out

- Cindy Adams

UNLIKELY that a wondrous human such as myself might have detractors — but I beg even those to pay attention. The following’s important:

Outside bad guys can now scam your inside home electronic­s. With phone and alarms then shut, an armed invasion would allow a homeowner no defense. Also, getting your key data they can unlock your car. Digital scams. Nothing’s safe.

Have credit companies shut access to your data so they cannot steal by impersonat­ing you. Lock laptop and phones. Store no passwords on phone or computer. Try old-fashioned paper. No checks into a mailbox. They get stolen and cashed. Careful on opening emails. Phishing scams have become enormous. Take no email number from an institutio­n.

Technology scams are now out of control. Back up your key data. Never store where it can get accessed. In a shop, entering a passcode to pay — hide your info. People are watching. Change passwords. Technology attacks are speedy and short.

If your child, wife, friend answers a scam call, artificial intelligen­ce can replicate that voice and produce a conversati­on requesting money. You can’t tell AI’s talking. Be aware of a call from a “relative” or “friend” that seems not in character.

A caller may sound like who you know but it’s not them at all. Soon comes videos of people we know — but faked. Imagine a video of a world leader declaring war on another country, and it wasn’t them in the first place?!

Go figure there’s worse things than Biden who now gets so garbled he’ll soon call it the Democratic Potty.

Playing doubles

IF you find time to wipe Taylor Swift off Kelce, know tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so here are other touching boy/girl memories:

Christie’s East once auctioned memorabili­a which included Sinatra’s mugshot — age 22 — arrested in Jersey Nov. 26, 1938, for “seduction.” For Doing It with a married older woman. The winning bidder? Daughter Tina Sinatra. She paid $3,200.

New Hampshire’s RR Auction rattled off John Lennon’s signed lithograph of Yoko. She’s shown alone — but . . . busy. It was 30by-22 inches. Also for sale was a color photo of a nude and showering Sissy Spacek from the movie “Carrie.” She signed the photo. And how about a Groucho Marx picture where he’s kissed by a man and Groucho signed the thing on the back?

Also there’s this tender exchange Justin Timberlake once told the Sun in the UK about then-girlfriend Cameron Diaz: “We love having sex. Why would we want to ruin a good thing and get married?”

Director Pedro Almodóvar: “Making a film with Penelope Cruz I was inspired to adjust Penelope’s assets. The ass is very important. I wanted a fake bottom. A generous ass made her look close to the ground. These are important decisions because once you have the physical part you can work on the spiritual part.”

BLONDE to a new date: “You look like you should be a third husband.” Him: “How many have you had?” Blonde: “Two.”

Possibly only in New York, kids, possibly only in New York.

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