New York Post

Why America Needs NATO


NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on, has been one of the most successful alliances in history. It’s never been perfect, but European wars used to become world wars; NATO brought peace to the continent despite the global Cold War — and ushered in an era of worldwide declining war.

Indeed, the NATO treaty’s Article 5 was first invoked after the 9/11 attack on America. Our allies joined us in fighting back and stood with us in Afghanista­n for two decades, until Washington decided to leave.

Yes, the Western Europeans got too comfy in recent decades, stinting on their promised-to-the-alliance defense spending. As president, Donald Trump was entirely right to zing them for that failure.

But he’s horribly off-base in his recent talk of “encouragin­g” Russia to attack delinquent NATO members, those failing to make good on the target of spending at least 2% of GDP on defense.

He was just making a blustering point about funding as he replays his greatest hits at a rally, you may say; probably true. But the increasing­ly isolationi­st right will take his rhetoric seriously for their own myopic ends.

Fact is, Europe has spent more than the United States on helping Ukraine in its defense against Vladimir Putin’s war of conquest. Yet helping Kyiv serves the entire alliance, since Putin has declared himself an adversary of the entire West.

China’s rulers, and Iran’s, are only a bit more discreet. All America’s enemies would like nothing more than to see NATO crumble, as it would trigger a larger collapse of the civilized world order.

Without NATO, the West would be far easier to divide, with every nation considerin­g only its immediate short-term interests.

Like it or not, America’s interests entangle us across the globe; our nation has prospered more than any other NATO member in the 75 years since the alliance’s founding.

NATO remains the world’s biggest guarantor of peace — through strength. With the challenges to civilizati­on rising, America is best served by strengthen­ing the alliance, not letting it decay because we’re focused on the short-term costs of confrontin­g evil.

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