New York Post

Pro-Life Lifeline

Trump is the anti-abortion crowd’s best hope


DONALD Trump is the farthest thing from a threat to democracy where abortion is concerned — and for activists on both sides, that’s alarming. Rights like the right to life or to reproducti­ve choice can’t be true in some places but not others. Yet Trump wants to leave the rights at stake to local determinat­ion. He’s putting democracy in the states above what both sides see as a higher principle.

Many pro-lifers feel betrayed — but Trump’s position is their movement’s lifeline.

His Supreme Court appointmen­ts created the majority that overturned Roe v. Wade. That was the single greatest victory pro-lifers have ever won. Thanks to the Dobbs decision, there’s no longer a federal right to abortion.

But this success changed the issue’s politics profoundly.

Before Dobbs, pro-lifers made common cause with legal conservati­ves who believed in strict constructi­on of the Constituti­on, which makes no mention of abortion.

The anti-Roe coalition really had two components — pro-lifers and strict constructi­onists who were not necessaril­y anti-abortion but believed Roe was bad law. Although the Supreme Court decided the issue, getting the right mix of justices on the court was a political project. It required winning elections, and the anti-Roe coalition won enough to achieve its goal.

Only now the anti-Roe coalition is split, and pro-lifers by themselves are losing. They’ve been defeated in every state referendum so far, and Republican­s fear a backlash in support of abortion rights will hurt GOP candidates, too, possibly costing the party the presidenti­al contest.

Democrats are certainly pleased to have abortion initiative­s on the ballot in Florida and Arizona this November.

But even though state battles are hard enough, principled prolifers think abortion has to be a national issue: Human life can’t begin at different times in different places just because a different party controls the legislatur­e or voters pass a referendum.

If life begins at conception, that must be as true in New York or California as in Texas.

Yet even many conservati­ves blanch at what pro-life consistenc­y means for in-vitro fertilizat­ion and some forms of birth control. IVF creates more human embryos than can be implanted, with the remainder destroyed or forever frozen. Consistent policy following the premise life begins at conception would outlaw IVF, and pharmaceut­ical contracept­ion that might prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman’s womb.

As a practical matter, abortion opponents concede that some restrictio­ns are better than none, which is why in most states the debate is over limiting abortion after a certain number of weeks’ gestation, not a total ban, and few Republican­s dream of curtailing IVF.

Pro-life leaders are troubled by Trump’s “Leave it to the states” policy, however. The political logic is clear — pro-lifers get the strong restrictio­ns they want in some places rather than nowhere, which was generally the case under Roe. And while Democrats hope abortion will still hurt Republican­s in November, Trump is attempting to rebuild the electorall­y potent anti-Roe coalition.

Yet to say abortion is something for states to decide, in principle, forfeits the claim that there’s any objective truth in the debate above local feelings.

Abortion-rights advocates also believe their position must be enshrined nationwide — and the evidence of every election since Dobbs suggests they would only win bigger in a national policy fight. Pro-lifers stand to lose everything gained in overturnin­g Roe if the struggle gets re-nationaliz­ed. Proposing modest national restrictio­ns, after 15 or 16 weeks, doesn’t hold much hope of changing the math when voters even in red states like Kansas and Ohio have yielded more liberal laws by referendum.

If Republican­s won the White House and both chambers of Congress, they could pass such a law — only to see it repealed as soon as Democrats retake power. Democrats wouldn’t even have to repeal it: They can invert the effect of a law restrictin­g abortion simply by adding open-ended exceptions. In theory, Roe itself permitted strong restrictio­ns after the second trimester, but exceptions for the health of the mother — including mental well-being — were so broadly construed as to negate almost any limit.

Pro-lifers upset with Trump fundamenta­lly mistake their situation. They’re not missing an opportunit­y to declare a universal right to life; they’re rather in a pitched battle to stop the other side from re-establishi­ng a universal right to abortion.

It’s a battle they’ll lose without allies like Trump.

Right-to-life leaders want a philosophe­r-statesman to express their position in the language of absolute principle. But historical­ly, before there could be a Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln the American people had to recognize for themselves what their rights were, through intense debate in the colonies and states.

It’s too soon for a Jefferson or Lincoln — for now there’s only Trump or something worse.

 ?? ?? More than words: Trump greets a girl at the 2018 March for Life rally.
More than words: Trump greets a girl at the 2018 March for Life rally.
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