New York Post

Godspeed to beloved B’klyn great

- Mushnickph­

I WAS too young to know the Dodgers before they left Brooklyn, but from the time I became a clerk in The Post’s sports department, nearly 50 years ago, I knew that “Oisk” — Carl Erskine — was a pitcher of high regard and a gracious, engaging man, of the highest regard.

And I knew that those who interviewe­d Erskine having never before met him came away overwhelme­d by his generosity of spirit and time, especially on behalf of organizati­ons that aid the impaired as Betty and Carl Erskine’s fourth child, Jimmy, was born with Down syndrome. The Erskines first stubbornly then successful­ly mainstream­ed Jimmy until his death in 2023.

Carl Erskine died Tuesday, at 97. From what I can gather — and that’s plenty — he didn’t waste a minute being someone less than the best he could be.

➤ For a fellow with admittedly thin skin, Michael Kay seems eager to carry a “Kick Me” sandwich board. Tuesday on YES he excitedly declared that “[Juan] Soto hustles into second with a double!” Hustle? A replay clearly showed Soto stylishly languishin­g near the plate to watch his shot to center hit the bottom of the wall.

Kay could’ve — should’ve — made good faith with viewers by correcting himself, but apparently chose to pretend that we’re too stupid to know better, to believe what he says, ignore what we see. ➤ Breaking News: OK, NBC and Mike Tirico win. They so much want him to be seen and heard as a grinning, obedient NBC/Peacock shill that he appeared on NBC News this week to reveal the new CCP/Nike U.S. Olympic Team medal stand jackets to be worn during the Paris Olympics — exclusivel­y on NBC and Peacock!

When I nod my head, you hit it, continued: ESPN+ is streaming exclusive live coverage of this week’s Chevron Championsh­ip, the LPGA’s first major. But now that it will be hidden by a paywall, its existence as a major might end this weekend.

Follow the Money Works Both Ways: Reader Rich Leary’s response to a come-on to purchase a 2024 Jets season-tickets package: “Sorry, I lost interest in season tickets long ago when the Jets decided to charge me $50 annually to remain on their waiting list. Please remove me from your promos list.”

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