News-Herald (Perkasie, PA)

Fire destroys West Rockhill building

- By Bob Keeler

7hH FDusH RI D 7uHsGDy QLJhW firH that destroyed a West Rockhill garage remained undetermin­ed Wednesday afternoon, but the Bucks County )LrH 0DrshDO’s RIfiFH EHOLHvHs LW PDy have started in one of the trucks in the building, the Bucks County Public ,QIRrPDWLRQ RIfiFH sDLG.

7hH JDrDJH RQ HDflHrs 5RDG wDs about 40 feet by 100 feet, Sellersvil­le Fire Department Chief Ray Brennan said.

“,W ORRNHG OLNH LW wDs D rRRfiQJ EusLQHss,” BrHQQDQ sDLG. “7hHrH was propane, shingles, tar, that type RI PDWHrLDO.”

Three work trucks, a pickup for personal use and a forklift were among the things in the building, he said.

“The building and its contents wHrH D WRWDO ORss,” BrHQQDQ sDLG. “(vHryWhLQJ wDs JRQH.”

7hH firH wDs FDOOHG LQ DrRuQG 5 p.m. Jan. 22, he said.

“Apparently one of the neighbors called it in. They discovered LW,” BrHQQDQ sDLG. “7hH firH wDs

extremely advanced by the WLPH DQy fiUH SHUVRQQHO DUrived.”

The cold weather and the ORFDWLRQ ERWK PDGH fiJKWLQJ WKH fiUH PRUH GLIfiFuOW.

“A lot of stuff got extremely icy,” Brennan said.

A resident or neighbor fell RQ LFH DQG D fiUHfiJKWH­U wDV taken to Grand siew Hospital after falling, he said.

“It was a very long road back to the garage and there’s no hydrants in that area,” Brennan said. “They had to use a tanker shuttle.”

$ERuW 2,000 IHHW RI fivHinch hose had to be used in fiJKWLQJ WKH fiUH, KH VDLG.

“It was under control in 45 minutes or an hour and then we just had hot spots we had to go in and knock down and apply water to,” Brennan said.

FLUHfiJKWH­UV UHPDLQHG RQ the scene until about 8:30 or 9 p.m., he said.

FLUHfiJKWH­UV IURP WKH 7HOford, Souderton, Perkasie, Harleysvil­le, Hilltown, Trumbauers­ville, Milford, Quakertown, Silverdale, Richlandto­wn, Dublin, Haycock, Green Lane, Pennsburg and North Penn department­s reportedly assisted in battling the blaze.

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