News-Herald (Perkasie, PA)

Attempt at being a beach trendsette­r strikes a sour note

- Outta Leftfield

,n UHFHnW yHaUs, , havH puW in some time thinking about being a trendsette­r. That’s why , dHFidHd WR sWaUW sRPHWhing FaOOHd “Dads 6inging /RudOy Rn WhH BHaFh,” Rn our recent vacation down the shore, and it is my hope that other dads will follow and we’ll have ourselves a little old dad trend started.

((diWRU’s nRWH: According to Mike, only three other dads are needed to start a new trend at WhH bHaFh. 1RPinaWiRn­s aUH now being accepted.)

,W’s nRW OikH dads havHn’W been trendsette­rs in the past. They have been responsibl­e for some of the most memorable trends in history, like WhH “Dads CRPbing OvHU WhH BaOd 6pRW” WUHnd — whiFh is generation­s old — and the “Dads :HaUing Hawaiian 6hiUWs (vHUywhHUH, (vHn WR Church” trend, which may havH bHHn sWaUWHd by -iPPy BuffHW in WhH HaUOy 1970s, aOthough credible informatio­n Rn WhaW is diffiFuOW WR vHUify.

6R Rn vaFaWiRn Whis yHaU, , started thinking about what nHw WUHnd , FRuOd sWaUW WhaW would catch on. This is what , dR whHn wH’UH dRwn WhH shRUH bHFausH , aP PaUUiHd WR a bHaFh buPPHWWH. BuW , Fan RnOy siW WhHUH gHWWing sand in my shorts for a few days and WhHn , gHW bRUHd, which leads to trying to think up stupid things to occupy and entertain myself.

0y fiUsW idHa was WUying WR RUganizH a “Dads :iWh :hiWH )HHW :HaUing 6andaOs” WUHnd. By Whis WiPH Rf yHaU, , aP wHOO into my outdoor exercise regimen, and my attire includes shorts and ankle socks. Well, that combinatio­n gives me some sun on my legs but not on my feet and sinFH , Wan pUHWWy wHOO, , Hnd up wiWh brown legs and white feet.

By WhH WiPH , gHW down the shore on vacation and want to break out the sandaOs, ,’vH gRW whiter feet than Casper the )UiHndOy GhRsW.

,W’s a pUHWWy sWupid ORRk, even for dads, which by my way of thinking makes it a perfect premise for starting a trend.

8nfRUWunaW­HOy, , FRuOdn’W figuUH RuW hRw WR appURaFh any other dads on vacation to talk about feet without tipping off their wives, so , had WR sFUaWFh WhH “Dads With White Feet Wearing 6andaOs” WUHnd idHa.

, knRw, nRW a vHUy fRUwaUdthi­nking plan on my part.

1Rw RnH Whing , dR Hnjoy while lounging on the beach is listening to music on my transistor radio with my headphones in because there’s a great radio station dRwn WhH shRUH — .OO/ 98.3, 6RuWh -HUsHy’s GUHaWHsW Hits — that plays my kind of ’60s and ’70s PusiF. , Fan dRzH Rff and OisWHn WR FOassiF tunes from my era.

And whiOH dRzing and slightly head-bopping, sRPHWiPHs , sing aORng WR myself. Which is what was happening during a beach excursion last week when WhH sRng “DanFing in WhH 0RRnOighW” (1973) by WhH band .ing HaUvHsW FaPH Rn the radio.

,W was aW WhaW PRPHnW WhaW , dHFidHd WR sWaUW WhH “Dads 6inging /RudOy aW WhH BHaFh” WUHnd. “Dancing in the moonlight, everybody’s feeling warm and bright. ,W’s suFh D finH Dnd nDWuUDl sight, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight.”

6inFH , had Py hHadphRnHs in, , had nR idHa hRw ORudOy , was singing. BuW from the looks of horror and embarrassm­ent from The BORndH AFFRunWanW and WhH rest of my family — not to mention that everyone within 25 yaUds in aOO diUHFWiRns was ORRking aW PH — , was providing our section of the beach with a resounding and truly dad-awful rendition of “DanFing Rf WhH 0RRnOighW.”

BHauWiPRus. And a nHw beach trend was born: “Dads 6inging /RudOy aW WhH BHaFh.”

Hey, there are just some songs that need to be sung badly out loud and in public. Why not just make that a “Whing” WhaW dads dR?

-usW WR PakH suUH WhaW WhH new trend continued to gain sWHaP, WhH nHxW day , pRppHd in my headphones and tuned in WR .OO/ 98.3 RnFH again, waiting for the appropriat­e song with which to sing aORng. And , didn’W havH WR wait long, courtesy of “Take iW (asy” by WhH (agOHs. “Well, I’m standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona Dnd suFh D finH sLghW Wo sHH. ,W’s D gLUl, my LoUd, Ln D flDWbed Ford slowin’ down to take a look at me. Come on baby, don’t say maybe, I gotta know if your sweet love is going to save me.”

AOas, as FRnfidHnW as , was WhaW “Dads 6inging /RudOy Rn WhH BHaFh” had UHaO pRtential to become a new WUHnd, iW did nRW FaWFh fiUH OikH , had hRpHd. :haW did FaWFh Rn pUHWWy TuiFkOy was WhH “Dads Rn 7hH BHaFh GHWWing 6hushHd by BORndH AFFRunWanW­s” WUHnd. , didn’W even have much of a chance to get three other dads invROvHd WR PakH iW an RffiFiaO WUHnd, aOWhRugh , did FaWFh three other dads’ worth of heck for my efforts.

GuHss ,’OO MusW faOO baFk in line with the comb overs and Hawaiian shirts trends. And , sWiOO havH hRpH fRU WhaW white feet and sandals thing.

Mike Morsch is executive editor of Montgomery Media and author of the book, “Dancing in My Underwear: The Soundtrack of My Life.” He can be reached by calling 215-542-0200, ext. 415 or by email at msquared35@ This column can also be found at www.montgomery­

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