
Antipsycho­tic Reaction



HE LAST TIME JANETTE LAYNE saw her husband alive, Sergeant Eric Layne was dozing on their couch with the TV on. That was in January 2008. Because of his mounting outbursts of rage and paranoia since returning from Iraq, psychiatri­sts at two Veterans Affairs hospitals had been prescribin­g him increasing doses of a drug cocktail for post- traumatic stress disorder that included the powerful antipsycho­tic Seroquel. Although not approved by the FDA for such “off- label” uses, Seroquel is among the most prescribed drugs in its class and at its peak brought in more than $5 billion a year for its manufactur­er, Astrazenec­a, despite side effects ranging from diabetes to sudden cardiac arrest. Eric kept complainin­g of headaches and tremors—concerns that were discounted by the VA medical staff— while he gained weight, had trouble breathing and was so oversedate­d that, Janette says, he had become a “zombie.” Two weeks after he returned from a specialize­d inpatient PTSD program that increased his medication, he was dead. “All these doctors and medics and Ph.d.s kept telling us that he was ne,” Janette says. “We trusted the doctors.” Critics of the VA estimate that more than 400 combat veterans and other military personnel have died suddenly after being overmedica­ted with PTSD “cocktails.” These fatalities aren’t systematic­ally monitored or studied. The few military and VA inquiries into this issue have largely blamed these mysterious deaths on suicides and natural causes— or, in a few cases, on some inexplicab­le “drug toxicity.” During the same post- 9/11 years that antipsycho­tic prescribin­g increased at the VA, it was in the early stages of an initiative to cut down on prescribin­g for PTSD patients receiving potentiall­y addictive benzodiaze­pines such as Klonopin, Xanax and Restoril. Meanwhile, the department allowed the use of Seroquel to jump more than 770 percent between 2001 and 2010, although, according to the Associated Press, the number of patients increased only 34 percent. Over $1.8 billion was spent by the VA from 2001 through the rst half of 2015 on the two most prescribed antipsycho­tics for PTSD, Risperdal and Seroquel, although they were never proved effective or even approved by the FDA for use with the disorder. Seroquel remains the most heavily prescribed antipsycho­tic in the VA system, with nearly 800,000 prescripti­ons annually. All of Astrazenec­a’s marketing of Seroquel for off-label uses, as the Justice Department found when it reached a $520 million settlement with the compa

ny in 2010, has continued to pay off. The drug remains off-label for PTSD, anxiety, insomnia and depression in youth, but virtually no one in the VA appears to be paying attention. As a psychiatri­st at the Huntington VA hospital tells this

reporter, “The drug companies pushed these new drugs for everything from alopecia to hemorrhoid­s to lumbago.” That push ignored the data. “The evidence for using antipsycho­tics with PTSD patients isn’t very good, and the potential side effects can be deadly,” says Dr. J. Douglas Bremner, the chief of Emory University Medical School’s Clinical Neuroscien­ce Research Unit. Part of the VA’S reluctance to rein in the high- risk, off-label prescribin­g of antipsycho­tics traces back to “the code,” but also to the undue in uence of the drug industry. Some of the earliest work that pushed Seroquel on veterans came from Dr. Mark Hamner, the director of psychophar­macology research and PTSD clinical care at the Ralph H. John

son VA Medical Center in Charleston, South Carolina. With support from AstraZenec­a, he researched a series of longunpubl­ished studies boosting Seroquel. Astrazenec­a was apparently so pleased with Hamner’s work that it funded directly or served as a “collaborat­or” with the VA on two additional 12-week studies on Seroquel for PTSD symptoms. For nearly a decade or more, the studies’ outcomes were known only to Hamner and, presumably, Astrazenec­a. Retired Brigadier General Dr. Stephen Xenakis, a pioneering PTSD researcher who reviewed Hamner’s studies for Newsweek, thinks he knows why the results weren’t made public for years: “Astrazenec­a clearly delayed publishing because the data in general is weak.” Hamner denied that his ties to the company played any role in his publishing delays. The drug industry and VA of cials have kept veterans and their families ignorant about many of the dangers posed by these psychiatri­c medication­s. Seroquel and other antipsycho­tics can induce sudden cardiac arrest that, although a rare side effect, often causes brain death in under ve minutes. Atypical antipsycho­tics have been identi ed in over 100 studies since the 1990s as perhaps the single riskiest class of drugs for inducing a particular­ly dangerous form of arrhythmia. Dr. Fred Baughman, a retired California- based neurologis­t who launched a campaign raising alarms about Seroquel- related deaths in West Virginia, was blunt in his many press releases and letters to medical journals, starting in 2008: “There is an epidemic of sudden deaths occurring throughout the U. S. military.” His determinat­ion to discover what led to the medication- linked deaths didn’t seem to be matched by the VA’S Of ce of the Inspector General, which concluded there was no link between Seroquel and other leading antipsycho­tics with sudden cardiac death in its report on the death of Eric. All of the inspector general’s work ignored the most salient medical research and the VA’S prescribin­g guidelines in place since 2004. “They turned a blind eye to the medical consensus,” says Baughman of the inspector general’s report.

The most telling sign of a cover-up, he contends, is the failure to mention the

most thorough review then available: an Expert Opinion on Drug Safety journal review, published several months before the inspector general’s report. “It took an overt act of omission to miss this article,” he says, noting how widely it was cited in the medical literature. Xenakis, the former Army psychiatri­st, is just as blunt: “They cherry- picked the studies.” The VA’S Of ce of the Inspector General declined to reveal what medical guidelines or scienti c research was reviewed before releasing its report. Dr. Grace Jackson, a former Navy psychiatri­st and author of Rethinking Psychiatri­c Drugs, says after reviewing the inspector general’s report and White’s prescripti­on history, “This is a whitewash that sanitizes [White’s] medical records. It’s a complete embarrassm­ent. The way these drugs were used was overkill.” Nearly a decade after the inspector general ignored the drugs’ cardiac dangers, the VA’S new Psychotrop­ic Drug Safety Initiative, modeled in part on its opiate campaign, still hasn’t agged the cardiac risk of Seroquel, the agency’s most prescribed antipsycho­tic. “It’s outrageous,” Xenakis says of this omission. “People are talking about reform in the VA, but with these kinds of things, it really exposes how far we have to go to change basic practices, culture and attitudes.” — ART LEVINE

There is an epidemic of SUDDEN DEATHS occurring throughout the U.S. military.”

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