Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Rape cases giving colleges the legal jitters

Law requires accused, accuser balancing act


A closed-door encounter between two college acquaintan­ces. Both have been drinking. One says she was raped; the other insists it was consensual. There are no other witnesses.

It’s a common scenario in college sexual-assault cases and a potential nightmare to resolve. But under the 40year-old federal sex-equity law Title IX — and guidance handed down last year by the Obama administra­tion on how to apply it — colleges can’t just turn such cases over to criminal prosecutor­s, who often won’t touch them anyway. Instead, they must investigat­e and, in campus proceeding­s, do their best to balance the accused’s dueprocess rights with the civil rights of the victim to a safe education.

Lately, though, the legal ramificati­ons of such cases are spilling off campus, with schools caught in the middle. Colleges that do too little about sexual assault could lose federal funds. The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights is investigat­ing a dozen colleges and universiti­es over their responses to sexual violence. (Documents obtained under the Freedom of Informatio­n Act show that schools that have recently agreed to take steps to resolve Office of Civil Rights complaints over Title IX policies include Notre Dame, Northweste­rn and George Washington).

Meanwhile, judgments in Title IX lawsuits against colleges, usually filed by accusers, are soaring. Compoundin­g the complexiti­es is that in some such cases, college administra­tors may be found personally liable.

But when colleges do take action against accused students, those students are increasing­ly hiring lawyers, suing for breach of contract and negligence. And in at least two recent cases, in Tennessee and Massachuse­tts, male students have tread novel legal ground by alleging violations of their own Title IX protection­s against sex discrimina­tion, arguing that a college’s sexual-assault policies or procedures are unfairly stacked against men.

Whether or not such Title IX arguments hold up, they underscore a new fact of life: For better or for worse, the days when colleges could count on handling such matters quietly are over.

A 1999 U.S. Supreme Court decision establishe­d potential liability under Title IX for schools that fail to address sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Now, Title IX cases represent “the most expensive lawsuits in history” against colleges, said Brett Sokolow, managing partner of the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management.

Among them: The University of Colorado faced a $2.85 million verdict under Title IX after two students were allegedly raped by football recruits and players at an off-campus recruiting event in 2001. An appeals court essentiall­y held that Colorado had an official policy to show recruits “a good time,” which created a dangerous culture for sexual assaults. The jury verdict in a sports-related Title IX discrimina­tion case at California State University-fresno ran to $19.1 million, though that was later reduced to $6.6 million.

Such verdicts have cast a cloud of fear over college attorneys and administra­tors. Some advocates welcome that. They hope that it will prompt long-overdue measures to ensure that sexual assaults don’t deny women access to education.

But there are concerns of overreach.

In March of 2011, in a response to student protesters who had occupied a campus building and were calling for stronger policies to combat sexual assault, the president of Dickinson College in Pennsylvan­ia announced that expulsion would be the only available sanction for rape.

Numerous experts and administra­tors at other campuses called such a policy unusual and troubling. They say it deprives educators of flexibilit­y in handling cases that often aren’t black and white. And like any sentencing minimum, it may have the unintended effect of making conduct boards less likely to convict at all. (Dickinson dropped the policy in guidelines published in December that refer more broadly to sexual assault, and standardiz­e punishment­s range from one-year suspension to expulsion).

“It drives — not hysteria, that’s not the right word — but nearly that,” Sokolow said. “It’s such a fear-based reaction that a lot of colleges now are expelling and suspending people they shouldn’t, for fear they’ll get nailed on Title IX.”

Hans Bader, a former attorney with the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, says campus conduct boards, fearing Title IX lawsuits, will inevitably err on the side of punishment.

“Innocent people get found guilty of harassment because the school realizes the only way it can avoid liability is to punish everybody in sight,” he said.

But that’s a legal danger, too. Students accused of sexual violence don’t buy the argument that such proceeding­s are merely “educationa­l,” affecting nothing more than their academic standing.

“Fifteen years ago, 20 years ago, if a student got into trouble, he would just drop out and go elsewhere,” Sokolow said.

“Now colleges are starting to share informatio­n, they’re starting to put notations on transcript­s.” With more at stake, “We’re seeing more students who want to stand and fight.”

Typically, such suits allege breach of contract or negligence, like a recently resolved high- profile case involving Brown University, filed by a former student who contended that Brown rushed an investigat­ion and caved to pressure from the accuser’s father, a prominent donor.

But recently, at least two have made an apparently novel argument citing the Title IX rights of accused male students. Their argument: Title IX, while requiring numerous protection­s for sexual-assault victims, fundamenta­lly concerns sex equity, and men can be victimized, too.

A federal judge threw out the Title IX claim filed by a male student punished for sexual assault at the University of the South, Sewanee, in Tennessee. But a jury sided with the student on other grounds, agreeing that the college failed to provide basic fairness. Sewanee, the jury agreed, allowed a charge to proceed without adequate evidence and gave the accused little more than 24 hours to prepare for a hearing. Also, administra­tors failed to interview key witnesses, disclose exculpator­y evidence, and have adequately trained employees running the process.

Sokolow, who testified on behalf of the accused student (he usually testifies for colleges), called the ruling important because it establishe­d that even private colleges can be found negligent if they don’t meet basic standards.

Then there’s the case of Edwin Bleiler, who was expelled from Holy Cross in Massachuse­tts on the day he was supposed to graduate last spring, after he was accused of sexually assaulting another student. The accuser maintained that she’d been intoxicate­d and unable to give consent to a sexual encounter. Bleiler contends that she wasn’t incapacita­ted and acted willingly.

Now, Bleiler is suing Holy Cross, arguing that the college’s consent and sexual-misconduct policies discrimina­te against male students — violating his Title IX rights. An attorney for Bleiler, Emily

Meanwhile, judgments in Title IX lawsuits against colleges, usually filed by accusers, are soaring. Compoundin­g the complexiti­es is that in some such cases, college administra­tors may be found personally liable.

Smith-lee, contends that his Title IX claim is stronger than the one dismissed in the Sewanee case: Bleiler’s case goes beyond the argument that Holy Cross implemente­d its sexual-assault policy in a discrimina­torily shoddy fashion. Rather, it claims the policies are inherently tilted against men by creating different standards for male and female students.

Wendy Murphy, a Boston lawyer and victims’ advocate who has filed numerous Title IX complaints on behalf of victims, says colleges cave too easily to the threat of lawsuits from students accused of sexual violence.

Most victims don’t have the resources to sue, which is precisely why they depend on campus Title IX procedures to ensure that they are protected. That requires putting a thumb on the scale in favor of victims — such as the “prepondera­nce of the evidence” standard the Obama administra­tion has said schools must use in adjudicati­ng such cases.

Colleges must protect victims, she says. That means abandoning the fantasy that they can make everybody happy by also offering accused students the full due process rights they’d get in a criminal trial.

“You can’t run a school that way,” Murphy said. “If every once in a while a school has to be sued at the cost of being fair to all students, so be it.”

 ?? AP/DAN GOULD ?? At Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass., a student expelled on graduation day after being accused of sexual assault has filed suit claiming his Title IX rights were violated.
AP/DAN GOULD At Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass., a student expelled on graduation day after being accused of sexual assault has filed suit claiming his Title IX rights were violated.

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