Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Bavaria wants lid on Hitler’s Mein Kampf


BERLIN — Bavaria’s state government said it will try to keep Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf out of publicatio­n in Germany after the copyright expires in 2015 — reversing a decision to support new editions with critical commentary.

Mein Kampf isn’t actually banned in Germany, but Bavaria has used its ownership of the copyright to block publicatio­n.

The copyright expires 70 years after the author’s death.

The Bavarian governor’s chief of staff, Christine Haderthaue­r, said late Tuesday that Hitler’s anti- Semitic memoir amounts to incitement, and the government will file a criminal complaint if anyone tries to publish it in the future, news agency Deutsche- Presse Agentur reported.

Gov. Horst Seehofer pointed to Bavaria’s participat­ion in a drive to have modern Germany’s main far- right party banned and said that doesn’t fit with supporting publicatio­n of Mein Kampf.

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