Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Get back to Reagan


I am 48 years old and in my lifetime I can remember seven presidents. Gerald Ford I don’t remember too much of; Jimmy Carter was elected when I was in fourth grade. From him I remember gas lines, no jobs to be had and the hostages held by Iran (Islamic terrorists). I’m the youngest of 10 kids and I remember most of my older siblings looking for work at that time.

Then Ronald Reagan, and things got much better; the hostages held by Iran were released right after Reagan took office. Then George H.W. Bush—“No new taxes” and the Persian Gulf War. Bill Clinton—“Don’t ask, don’t tell,” “I feel your pain,” and let’s not forget, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Then George W. Bush—we were attacked on 9/11 by Islamic terrorists and have been fighting them every day since. Our debt was at $10.6 trillion when Bush left office. Then Barrack Hussein Obama, with a year and a half left in office, our debt is $18 trillion and climbing, and Islamic terrorists are running most of the Middle East, Christians are being killed every day for not rejecting Jesus Christ and not switching to Islam. I believe our Constituti­on has been slowly taken apart since 1988 and is getting closer to being torn up and thrown out every day.

We have a choice in 2016. Look how much we’ve gone downhill since Reagan. Now running for president we have another Bush and another Clinton. I say enough. It’s time to go back to someone like Ronald Reagan. A president who leads and one the Islamic terrorists are afraid of. We need a president who will bring honor back to America and the Oval Office. Maybe Cruz will make it into the presidency and we can once again become that shining “city on the hill” we once were. MARVIN BAIR


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