Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: Summertime is usually spent outside. However, too much sun is not fun. Sunburn, long-term skin aging and damage. Skin cancer!

You should protect your skin with sunscreen. Sunscreen does exactly that, screens the sun, it does not block all sun rays. A sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 is the minimum you should use. A higher number is not really “stronger” in the sense that it screens out more sun; it simply lasts longer. It’s better to reapply every few hours.

Remember, you may be in shade, but sitting by a pool or other water, out on a boat or on your patio, you can be exposed to “reflective” sun rays.

Here in San Antonio, just walking to the mailbox can make me turn pink. I wear sunscreen every day. When I drive, I put sunscreen on my neck and backs of hands to protect those delicate areas.

Have fun in the sun.

DEAR READERS: Ahh, the dishwasher. Who loads the dishwasher? How do they load it? Which is the “right and correct” position of plates and glasses?

Do you scrape and rinse dishes before they go into the dishwasher?

Do you stuff it full in an attempt to save water and energy costs, or just don’t care?

And that silverware basket. All forks, spoons and knives together? Tines up or down?

Let me know your “dishwasher do’s” and I’ll print as many as I can.

DEAR READERS: Whole milk is better for you than skim milk? Some say yes, some say no. Watching your weight? Fat-free or skim milk will cut calories and fat grams almost in half. I add a teaspoon of powdered milk, and an ice cube or two, then whip in the blender.

DEAR HELOISE: Using dollar bills for tipping is fine, but if you want those you tip to remember you, it’s better to use some gold dollar coins or two-dollar bills. Either of these gets lots of attention from those who receive them.

— Jim in California

DEAR HELOISE: Whenever I open a box of powdered laundry detergent, there is always some that falls out. I open the box over my washing machine. That way, any detergent that falls out is already in the washer and ready for the next load — no waste.

— S.L. in Florida, via email

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