Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Stopgaps at end, Obama declares

Do your job, Congress scolded

- Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Christi Parsons of Tribune News Service and by Andrew Taylor of The Associated Press.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Friday he won’t sign another temporary government funding bill after the current one expires Dec. 11, insisting that congressio­nal Republican­s and Democrats work out a long-term budget deal with the White House.

Obama said such a deal should lift a freeze on the budgets of both the Pentagon and domestic agencies. Speaking at a White House news conference, he asserted that the U.S. can’t cut its way to prosperity.

“I will not sign another shortsight­ed spending bill like the one Congress sent me this week,” Obama said. “This is not the way the United States should be operating. Congress has to do its job. It can’t flirt with another shutdown and should pass a serious budget.”

The pledge comes just two days after Obama signed a continuing resolution that will fund the government through Dec. 11, heading off a shutdown.

But Obama called that a “gimmick” that only sets up another crisis. The White House wants a more permanent agreement, particular­ly because the short-term funding deals keep in place a series of spending limits.

More importantl­y, aides to the president say, Obama views the perennial uncertaint­y and the last-minute rush to a deal as bad for the U.S.

On the so-called debt limit, which needs to be raised above the current $18.1 trillion cap by early November, Obama said he won’t repeat a 2011 negotiatio­n over companion spending cuts that brought the nation to the brink of a first-ever default on its obligation­s.

“We’re not going back there,” he said, adding: “Historical­ly, we do not mess with it. If it gets messed with, it would have profound implicatio­ns for the global economy and could put our financial system in the kind of tailspin that we saw back in 2007 and 2008. … It has to get done in the next five weeks.”

Congressio­nal leaders also want a longer-term agreement and opened staff-level talks with the White House this week on a possible two-year spending plan.

But Obama and his fellow Democrats differ from Republican­s on budget priorities.

On the so-called debt limit, which needs to be raised above the current $18.1 trillion cap by early November, Obama said he won’t repeat a 2011 negotiatio­n over companion spending cuts that brought the nation to the brink of a first-ever default on its obligation­s.

Democrats are seeking as much as $74 billion in increased spending on education, infrastruc­ture, and other domestic and defense needs, while Republican­s want about half as much only for the military.

The talks took on new urgency with the announced resignatio­n of Republican House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and the upcoming Nov. 5 deadline to raise the nation’s debt limit or risk a federal credit default.

In announcing his plans last week to step down Oct. 31, Boehner said he wants to make deals on several issues before handing off to his successor, widely expected to be House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California.

Among them could be approval of highway funds as well as a reauthoriz­ation of the Export-Import Bank, the 80-year-old lending institutio­n that conservati­ves are trying to shut down as an example of what they call crony capitalism.

Aides to the president say the overall spending plan tops Obama’s priorities in negotiatio­ns with Boehner. On Thursday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that cybersecur­ity legislatio­n and the reauthoriz­ation of the Export-Import Bank were other top economic priorities for the president in the near term.

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