Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A chronic syndrome


Sigh. Another day, more derangemen­t-syndrome letters. Bless their hearts. First, a gentleman thinks the Syrian refugee crisis would not have happened if the president did not golf and if he had read some history books. You can’t solve in seven years a crisis in the making for thousands of years. Furthermor­e, you can’t meddle in other countries’ affairs, arming or taking down dictators. A day of reckoning must come. You can’t go in and remove a dictator based on lies and not expect there to be instabilit­y in the region, particular­ly when he, evil as he was, kept that region in check.

What was the president supposed to do, arm the “frenemies” so they can turn on us later? What about removing our current president? That sounds strong, doesn’t it? Who might take his place?

Everything taking place has little to do with who is in the Oval Office. Every modern-era president has been faced with some crisis in that region. If the leaders in this country had spent more time on finding common ground instead of ways to make this president fail, perhaps our response to this matter would be framed differentl­y. Since they did not, my advice to Obama is to say “fore” and keep on moving. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

For Ms. Carolyn Howard of Searcy, no, madam, our leaders are not sending America to hell. Instead of trying to make God a political party or some individual her idol, she should do as a Christian and let her light shine. No politician can send you to hell. You would have to reject Christ. All politician­s are either sinners saved by grace or just sinners. Pray for those people and live your life so others may see the good works of Christ. Washington, D.C., will always disappoint you. Read your Bibles and find your joy. It will cure that derangemen­t syndrome.


Pine Bluff

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