Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Who deserves blame


I am accustomed to hearing a litany of things for which conservati­ves blame Obama, but Kim Gartman’s recent letter takes it to a new level: It’s Barack Obama’s fault we are stuck with our current Bloviator-in-Chief, Donald Trump.

Apparently he feels Americans were so desperate to rid themselves of the Democrats that they gladly bought the snake oil The Donald was selling. If Republican­s were that gullible, then shame on them. They, apparently with a little help from the Russians, were the ones who got us in this fix. There were plenty of Republican candidates in the primaries, any one of which would have been better than Trump.

As Republican Sen. Marco Rubio recently opined, the people got what they voted for—don’t try to lay the blame somewhere else. J.N. SCHEE Sheridan

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