Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



The Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission last week issued 2 drilling permits, 2 well completion­s and 14 well recompleti­ons. By county, they were:


OUACHITA — Fite Oil & Gas Inc. of Shreveport, LA for LRW et al No. 1 to TVD: 2,800 ft. and MD: 2,800 ft. in Meakin or Nacatoch Form. of Wildcat Fld. Loc. SHL: 2,350 ft. FWL & 830 ft. FNL of Sec. 18-15S-16W. Contractor: BLB Service Inc.; work began Oct. 31.

WHITE — SEECO LLC of Spring for Williams No. 09-07 18-17H29 to TVD: 4,298 ft. and MD: 14,098 ft. in Moorefield Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 356 ft. FSL & 1,971 ft. FEL of Sec. 17-9N-7W and PBHL: 2,319 ft. FSL & 1,113 ft. FEL of Sec. 29-9N-7W. Contractor: TBD; work begins TBD.


CLEBURNE — SEECO LLC for Strain No. 09-11 2-36H25, 24-hr. prod. not available in Moorefield Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 14,689 ft., perf. 5,550-14,556 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 342 ft. FSL & 1,650 ft. FWL and BHL: 573 ft. FNL & 1,492 ft. FWL of Sec. 36-9N11W. Completed Oct. 15.

UNION — Great Lakes Chemical Corp of El Dorado for Lanxess No. 1, 24-hr. prod. dry hole in Wildcat Form. of Wildcat Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,900 ft., perf. not available ft. Loc. 2,014 ft. FSL & 2,542 ft. FEL of Sec. 29-19S-15W. Completed July 21.


JACKSON — BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Sarrels No. 10-5 2-30H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 7,280 ft., perf. 3,112-7,182 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 204 ft. FSL & 426 ft. FEL and BHL: 500 ft. FNL & 1,167 ft. FEL of Sec. 30-10N5W. Workover done Oct. 16.

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Vest No. 10-5 1-31H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 7,243 ft., perf. 3,5006,502.5 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 222 ft. FSL & 895 ft. FEL and BHL: 1,015 ft. FNL & 584 ft. FEL of Sec. 31-10N-5W. Workover done Oct. 16.

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Vest No. 10-5 2-31H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 7,673 ft., perf. 3,6007,202.5 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 222 ft. FSL & 965 ft. FEL and BHL: 687 ft. FNL & 1,180 ft. FEL of Sec. 31-10N-5W. Workover done Oct. 16.

LOGAN — Hanna Oil & Gas Co. of Fort Smith for Paul X No. 2-8, 24hr. prod. not available in Upper Atoka Form. of B-44 Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,100 ft., perf. 1,553-1,573 ft. Loc. 950 ft. FSL & 660 ft. FEL of Sec. 8-6N-28W. Recompleti­on done Oct. 18.

OUACHITA — Four R Operating Company, LLC of Smackover for Goodwin, John No. 12, 24-hr. prod. 4 bbls in Nacatoch Form. of Smackover Fld. Drilled to TD: 2,625 ft., perf. 2,0062,010 ft. of Sec. 32-15S-15W. Workover done July 3.

UNION — Great Lakes Chemical Corp for BSW No. 13M, 24-hr. prod. not available in Smackover Form. of Marysville Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,631 ft., perf. 8,487-8598 OA ft. of Sec. 36-18S18W. workover done Oct. 16.

Quanico Oil & Gas Inc. of El Dorado for Moody Estate No. 1, 24-hr. prod. not available in Blossom Form. of El Dorado East Fld. Drilled to TD: 2,853 ft., perf. 2,803-2,807 ft. and 2,793-2,796 ft. of Sec. 17-17S-14W. Recomplete­ion don Oct. 31.

WHITE — BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Deltic No. 7-9 1-21H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 10,889 ft., perf. 6,805-10,784 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 560 ft. FSL & 2,250 ft. FEL and BHL: 630 ft. FNL & 525 ft. FWL of Sec. 217N-9W. Workover done Oct. 9.

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Duke No. 8-8 3-9H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 9,452 ft., perf. 4,8839,343 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 665 ft. FSL & 955 ft. FEL and BHL: 529 ft. FNL & 1,864 ft. FWL of Sec. 9-8N-8W. Workover done Oct. 16.

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Duke No. 8-8 4-9H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevll­e Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 9,230 ft., perf. 5,1329,092 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 695 ft. FSL & 905 ft. FEL and BHL: 508 ft. FNL & 2,770 ft. FEL of Sec. 9-8N-8W. Workover done Oct. 16.

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Grayson No. 9-5 1-31H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,561 ft., perf. 4,618-9,453.5 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 206 ft. FSL & 926 ft. FEL and BHL: 491 ft. FNL & 1,813 ft. FWL of Sec. 31-9N5W. Workover done Oct. 16.

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Grayson No. 9-5 3-31H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 9,986 ft., perf. 4,820-9,891.5 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 206 ft. FSL & 856 ft. FEL and BHL: 1 ft. FNL & 2,207 ft. FWL of Sec. 31-9N-5W. Workover done Oct. 16.

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Gunter No. 7-10 1-23H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 11,580 ft., perf. 7,462-11,472.5 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 249 ft. FNL & 2,353 ft. FEL and BHL: 574 ft. FSL & 2,353 ft. FEL of Sec. 23-7N10W. Workover done Oct. 11.

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fay) for Sawasky No. 7-9 1-16H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayettevil­le Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 11,355 ft., perf. 6,626-11,252 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 300 ft. FSL & 1,165 ft. FEL and BHL: 484 ft. FNL & 1,354 ft. FWL of Sec. 16-7N9W. Workover done Oct. 9.


Loc. — location; Perf. — perforatio­ns; FEL — from the east line; FNL — from the north line; FSL — from the south line; FWL — from the west line; FEUL — from the east unit line; FWUL — from the west unit line; FNUL — from the north unit line; FSUL — from the south unit line; MCF — thousand cubic feet; bbl — barrel; MD — measured depth; TD — total depth; TVD — true vertical depth; PBTD — plug back total depth; BHL — bottom hole location; PBHL — proposed bottom hole location; SHL — surface hole location; OA — overall; N/A — not available.

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