Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Details are distractin­g


Will the Trump tax bill reduce taxes for the middle class? According to the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation, over the next 10 years those in the $40,000-$50,000 tax bracket will pay $5.3 trillion more than they do now, while those who make more than $1 million annually will pay $5.8 trillion less than now.

It seems the bill is an efficient pipeline that pumps cash from the middle class to the deserving rich.

To be fair, that is an unintended consequenc­e of the bill. The Republican Party is not anti-middle-class; I believe it doesn’t care about us one way or the other. (Except at voting time, and only then.) Its real interest is to pump those dollars on over to the coffers of the Republican Party. We know this because Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., told us: “My donors are basically saying, ‘Get it done or don’t ever call me again.’”

Instead of draining the swamp, Donald Trump and his party are draining the pockets of middle-class Americans.

Meanwhile, the editor distracts us from all this with editorials about how making laws is messy so don’t worry about the details. Don’t pay attention to those Republican­s behind the curtain who once again and again and again talk about “middle-class tax cuts” while doing the exact opposite. LARRY COLEMAN

Little Rock

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