Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Guns used in defense make a big difference


I read the article “feeling disrupted” written by your columnist Greg Harton. “Gun law unnerves in ‘island of peace.’”

All places were “islands of peace” before psychotic killers let loose with their guns. Some questions to answer: Would there have been a different outcome if someone had been carrying a concealed weapon to help defend all who were being attacked? In all of the mass shootings, has it ever been recorded that anyone applied and passed background checks? Oh yes, there was one, the man in Texas who shot at church members — the background check system failed. Who was the first to shoot at the perpetrato­r of the church? A licensed gun owner. The outcome was less [damaging] because of his pro-activeness with his weapon.

There are many stories of where people have defended themselves against the bad guy. They do not get printed in national news media because of the biases against guns. Past history has proven the usefulness of guns against the tyranny of government. Does anyone remember studying our history of the War of 1812, of the British invasion or the Texas Revolution? Weapons have protected America.

Many people rushed out and purchased guns after the mass shootings under Obama’s watch, for the fear of losing America’s freedom of the Second Amendment. I’ll say it again: Weapons have protected America. If incidents were reported of guns being used in defense in place of offense, people may feel better about guns. This is not a “touchy feely” matter; this a fact matter.

If I’m sitting in a classroom anywhere or with a group of people anywhere, I don’t have to know who’s is carrying a gun, I just hope the person will be proactive in the event it’s needed for self-defense. And another fact is, more shootings happen in high-density Democratic cities like St. Louis, Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit. You know, Chicago, the “no gun” city?

All children are afforded public education. It’s more to do about proper education and proper upbringing in the home. Look at Ben Carson, raised by a single mother.

The government database has let us down as all people buying guns should have background checks. Criminals or psychos, of course, will not — that is the problem. It is not a simple solution by any means and there are crazier people roaming the streets today. Just read the sidebar on the front page of the newspaper!



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