Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Dreaming of a world in which peace reigns


The letter from Stephen Christ titled “Here’s one method to save planet earth” was a horrible idea because he wants to kill off all of us old people over 65 and I would be the first to go since I am 95 years old. But like my T-shirt says, “Young at heart but old in all the other places.”

His letter brought back another memory of my high school Civics class that was equally horrifying, and similar in some ways. Our teacher said “There is one good thing that war does. Can anyone tell me what that one good thing is?” And Rob Roy Stockwell, looking spiffy in his ROTC uniform, raised his hand. “It gets rid of excess population,” he said. And the teacher smiled, nodded and said, “That is correct.”

I still remember how horrified I felt at his answer. He meant that if we have too many people around, we have to kill off a bunch. No, no, no!

In my humble opinion, wars have always been stupid, stupid, stupid because of all the human misery and destructio­n they cause.

I do not call “stupid” the brave men and women who fight in battles, because their country asked them to. They are highly respected heroes. It is the concept of war itself that is stupid.

I wish we could pass a law making starting a war a felony [and] lock up the leader of an country that wants to start one and throw away the key.

Let’s shut down the factories that make bombs, hand grenades, flame throwers, cannons, tanks, machine guns and ammunition. Let’s throw them out of business.

I know, I know. I’m a dreamer. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone could live in peace? What a happy world it would be.

But, alas, all we can do is pray to God to help us. ELEANOR FOSTER Lowell

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