Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Monument to himself


Arkansas Sen. Jason Rapert’s monument to Rapert now sits on state property and shouts to all who happen by, “I am the Lord thy God.”

It seems Rapert’s American History and Heritage Foundation is meant to mask his violation of the separation of church and state clause by pretending the religious text has historical significan­ce as the foundation for the U.S. Constituti­on and laws.

Forget that the founding fathers allowed and participat­ed in the slavery trade and in the exclusion of all from power and representa­tion except landholdin­g and rich white men.

The commandmen­ts clearly do not call for slaves, indentured servants, legalized rape, breaking up families, whippings, starvation, loitering laws, debt prisons, demeaning women, stealing land and despoiling the world’s soil, air and water for self-gain.

Rapert’s own press release violates at least one commandmen­t: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” which he does when he seeks to demean, as “anti-American,” anyone or group challengin­g him; one is to assume the senator is the real American.

Another biblical contrast to Rapert’s self-aggrandizi­ng monument is that Moses smashed the tablets because in his absence his fellow wanderers had erected false idols, possibly similar in intent as the monument Rapert has championed.



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