Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Put down the phone and pay attention


Ruud Duval’s letter of June 29’s DemocratGa­zette reminds me of the difficulty Jesus had in getting his message across 2,000 years ago. It was Henotheism that was popular in that day and rampant in the world today: a belief in a one God without denying worship of the other gods (money, prestige, big houses, three cars in the driveway, etc.).

Remember back in the Obama days when big money folks like Soros funded millions into organizati­ons that sent recruiters to Mexico, Central and South America with leaflets telling the story of America’s border crossing rules? It was a way to get into the United States legally. Send your child to the border and it would have to be admitted sanctuary in the United States. Thousands were recruited, put on buses, trains and planes working their way to our border with Mexico. They were admitted at the gates and received shelter, food, clothing and schedules to fit their ages, yes, in an air conditione­d building.

Now for scene No. 2. The parents raise a cry, taken up by the leftist USA haters and amplified, screaming that the USA had taken their children away from them illegally, which is a lie. This is where we are today. The agencies that enticed them to send their children alone are now the howling voice to “put families back together.”

Let’s see what that entails. There is a mama and a papa, and four brothers and sisters, plus the “incarcerat­ed” child, making a seven-member family wanting entry instead of one. There were over 60,000 children admitted in 2017 and now the USA is shouted down to take their families. If that is the case we are not talking about admitted 60,000. The number is now 2 million people wanting to flaunt the laws of our country, aided and abetted by the leftist screamers.

Folks, put down that devilish, brain-sucking phone and read the news daily and you will not be conned by the ‘left’ any more.



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