Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: I’ve traveled a lot over the past 50 years, and I’m glad I did. It’s been educationa­l, fun and rewarding in so many ways.

However, I hear people today say, “Someday we’ll get to Paris, after the kids grow up” or “Someday I want to see the Grand Canyon.” Why wait? Save up and go. Pick a day of departure and work toward that day. Put money aside, get the grandparen­ts to baby-sit the kids, take your vacation time and go. If you don’t, “someday” you’ll regret it.

— Leo K., Naples, Fla. DEAR READER: I agree. There’s so much to see and do in this world.

DEAR HELOISE: During special occasion such as Halloween, Thanksgivi­ng and Christmas, I found a way to keep children out of the kitchen and keep them busy and quiet. I buy thin, white cardboard at a craft store and cut it up into place mat sizes. I write each child’s name in the upper right-hand corner, then hand out markers, crayons and pencils, and have each of them draw their idea of the holiday on the place mat. Some draw a snowman or a turkey or pilgrims — whatever they think represents the holiday. Then I use those place mats on the children’s table, with each child sitting at his or her place mat. The children love it!

— Amy W., Lincoln, Neb. DEAR READER: What a great idea!

DEAR HELOISE: My fiance and I are getting married over the Christmas holiday in an evening wedding by candleligh­t, where cocktails will be served. The problem is that we would rather not have infants and toddlers at this event, mainly because of the hour and the inclusion of alcohol, but several people we know have children in that age range. How can we gracefully ask them to leave the little ones home with a sitter?

— Lauren R., via email P.S. No, we don’t hate children.

DEAR READER: This is going to be a touchy subject with some families, but here are a few suggestion­s: First, on both the outer and inner envelope, write only the names of those invited, such as “Mr. and Mrs. John Smith.” If the invitation does not say “plus family” or list the names of the children, then they are NOT included. If, on the return card, they add “and children,” call them and explain that children are not invited due to the hour of the wedding and lack of accommodat­ions for children.

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