Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Mob rule and delays


I sure miss the letters to this paper by the late Jewell Carr. Her missives were always eloquently supportive of our Constituti­on, with an echo of sadness that so many of our fellow citizens did not appreciate it.

There is a wonderful explanatio­n by Jay Cost in the latest issue of National Review about the difference between a republic and a democracy, why we have the former, and how the authority of the government is derived from the people, but they do not rule directly. Our founding fathers feared mob rule, and the recent judicial hearings have shown why. A senator decides how to vote based on evidence and testimony, and then “flakes” out when confronted with an outraged victim mob demanding that, because they suffered injustice, punishment must be visited on a man who had nothing to do with it.

It seems the Democrats have done all they could to stir up mob rule, encouragin­g “Antifa,” the “resistance” and other outrages against presumed crimes with no evidence. They use mob rule and repeated delaying tactics, not because they really think Judge Kavanaugh is a rapist or a vicious drunk. I believe they fear he will rule in favor of the Constituti­on, protector of our rights and freedoms, instead of using his position in defiance of Constituti­on and common sense to advance a socialist big-government agenda that would not pass the ballot box if honestly presented.

For once I echo Lindsay Graham: “Y’all want power; I hope you never get it.”


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