Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



The Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission last week issued four drilling permits, one well completion and five well recompleti­ons. By county, they were:


CLEBURNE — SEECO LLC of Spring, Texas for Hughes No. 09-08 8-33H29 to TVD: 5,100 ft. and MD: 14,500 ft. in Moorefield Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 182 ft. FNL & 718 ft. FEL of Sec. 33-9N-8W and PBHL: 522 ft. FNL & 2,601 ft. FEL of Sec. 29-9N-8W. Contractor: TBD; work begins TBD.

COLUMBIA — Betsy Production Co. Inc. of Magnolia for Medlock No. 1 to TVD: 6,700 ft. and MD: 6,700 ft. in Smackover Lime Form. of Sloan Creek Fld. Loc. SHL: 2,033 ft. FWL & 2,150 ft. FNL of Sec. 7-16S-18W. Contractor: Sewell Drilling; work began Sept. 26.

WHITE — SEECO LLC for Wilson No. 09-07 3-1H13 to TVD: 4,600 ft. and MD: 14,000 ft. in Moorefield Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 2,382 ft. FNL & 1,667 ft. FWL of Sec. 1-9N-7 and PBHL: 310 ft. FL & 852 ft. FWL of Sec. 13-9N-7W. Contractor: TBD; work begins TBD.

SEECO LLC for Wilson No. 0907 4-1H13 to TVD: 4,600 ft. and MD: 14,300 ft. in Moorefield Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL 2,364 ft. FNL & 1,676 ft. FWL of Sec. 1-9N-7W and PBHL: 368 ft. FNL & 2,481 ft. FEL. Contractor: TBD; work beings TBD.


UNION — Weiser-Brown Operating Co. of Magnolia for Cottrell No. 4., 24-hr. prod. not available in DA Form. of Mt. Willie Road Fld. Drilled to TD: 3,600 ft., perf. not available. Loc. 1,610 ft. FSL & 600 ft. FWL. of Sec. 24-18S17W. Completed Aug. 20.


FRANKLIN — XTO Energy Inc. of Oklahoma City for Carpenter No. 4-14, 24-hr. prod. not available in U. Carpenter/Areci/Ralph Barton Form. of Aetna Fld. Drilled to TD: 6,864 ft., perf. 1,654-5,471 OA ft. Loc. 1,640 ft. FSSL & 1,300 ft. FESL of Sec. 14-8N-27W. Commingle done Sept. 14.

XTO Energy Inc. for McFerran No. 4-21, 24-hr. prod. not available in Tackett/Middle Hale Form. of Peter Pender Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,002 ft., perf. 3,8577,671 OA ft. Loc. 1,420 ft. FSL & 1,420 ft. FWL of Sec. 21-8N-28W. Commingle done Sept. 12.

XTO Energy Inc. for Rosie Flynn No. 1-12, 24-hr. prod. not available in Tackett Form. of Peter Pender Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,800 ft., perf. 4,4204,435 ft. Loc. 1,320 ft. FNL & 1,520 ft. FWL of Sec. 12-7N-28W. Workover done Aug. 14.

LAFAYETTE — Weiser-Brown Operating Co. for Moore Heirs No. 1, 24 hr. prod. 2.5 bbls in Tokio Form. of Lewisville West Fld. Drilled to TD: 240 ft., perf. 2,416-2,426 ft. of Sec. 16-16S24W. Work done July 11.

LOGAN — XTO Energy Inc. for Four Quarries No. 3-27, 24-hr. prod. not available in Lower Alma/Tackett Form. of Delaware Fld. Drilled to TD: 5,000 ft., perf. 2,722-4,280 OA ft. Loc. 1,470 ft. FNL & 1,470 ft. FWL of Sec. 27-8N-22W. Commingle done Sept. 11.


Loc. — location; Perf. — perforatio­ns; FEL — from the east line; FNL — from the north line; FSL — from the south line; FWL — from the west line; FEUL — from the east unit line; FWUL — from the west unit line; FNUL — from the north unit line; FSUL — from the south unit line; MCF — thousand cubic feet; bbl — barrel; MD — measured depth; TD — total depth; TVD — true vertical depth; PBTD — plug back total depth; BHL — bottom hole location; PBHL — proposed bottom hole location; SHL — surface hole location; OA — overall; N/A — not available.

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