Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Treatment of Kavanaugh far worse than for Clinton


Juanita Broaddrick made the most serious allegation­s against Clinton, accusing him of raping her in 1978 while Clinton was Arkansas’ attorney general. Broaddrick first made the accusation publicly in 1999 that when Clinton arrived at the hotel he asked to meet in Broaddrick’s room instead of the lobby and after he arrived, violently raped her. Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it.

“There was no remorse,” she said.

The Washington Post reported that two people close to Broaddrick said she described the rape to them at the time.

Kathleen Willey said Clinton kissed her, fondled her breasts and forced her to touch his crotch during a meeting in the Oval Office in 1993, while Willey was a volunteer in the White House correspond­ence office. A former Arkansas state employee named Paula Jones said that in 1991, at a government quality-management conference that Clinton attended, she was approached by the state police and told that then-Gov. Clinton wanted to meet with her. Jones said a policeman escorted her to Clinton’s hotel room in Little Rock and Clinton then propositio­ned her for sex and exposed his genitals to her. Leslie Millwee, a former television reporter, came forward publicly for the first time in October 2016 to accuse Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980. Millwee says then-Gov. Clinton groped her on several occasions at the now-defunct TV station she worked at in Arkansas.

I have no personal vendetta again the Clintons and no interest in bolstering Trump’s supporters, but I also believe strongly that attempts to cover up the truth only ever lead to harm, and certainly never to anything good. If we want to see any kind of meaningful change in violence against women as a result of the recent outings of abusive men in power and the subsequent #Metoo movement, we can’t choose to believe women only when they are accusing men we already don’t like, or who we think “look like” bad guys.

Many more women have accused President Bill Clinton of criminal, predatory and sexual behavior of various types. When Hillary was challenged about her husband’s accusers, Hillary said “everyone should be believed at first until they are disbelieve­d based on evidence” — despite the fact that for many of the allegation­s, no evidence has ever surfaced to disprove them, as Sen. Collins applied toward Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation­s.

Lastly, in 1975, Kathy Shelton, then a 12-yearold girl, accused a 41 year old man of rape. Attorney Hillary Rodham Clinton defended the man and there is audio of Hillary laughing and saying that she will never believe polygraph tests again because her client passed it.

Why is it so important what Kavenaugh supposedly did in high school, and it was not reported until a letter was sent to Feinstein (not to a lawyer) with no corroborat­ion from anyone, 20-plus years later? Clinton was reported and he did not encounter a fourth of what Kavenaugh endured.

Where’s the outrage about the Clintons? JACKLYN PERRY Springdale

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