Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Bush’s example worthy standard for all people

- BILL WALKER Bentonvill­e

On Wednesday, we witnessed the appointmen­t of Hebrews 9:27 kept by the 41st president of the United States. George Herbert Walker Bush’s plea for a “kinder, gentler nation” came to fruition for a day. His statement in life and legacy in death serve as a model for every government and civil employee as well as every American. It is my desire that every person will make a pledge to take Bush’s motto and implement it into continual daily activity.

Too often we see the rancor and hear the vitriolic rhetoric centered around the notion of separation of church and state and yet in moments of national mourning see it as quite fitting to incorporat­e both the secular and sacred. On Wednesday, we saw the acrimony and ambitions of political foes put aside to honor a man who devoted his life in serving others, whether they were a head of state or an ordinary employee.

For political leaders, it is my hope they can bury the notion of compromise and in the spirit of George H.W. Bush seek genuine collaborat­ion for what is best for America. For business leaders, it is my hope that they can bury the notion of the bottom line as the only thing that counts and that greed will give way to gratitude for the freedoms that allow the American free-enterprise system to flourish. For communitie­s, it is my hope that we take care of each other and that volunteeri­sm and service inspire everyone. For churches, it is my hope that we can bury sectariani­sm and creeds and simply unite under the banner of Christ. For families and individual­s, it is my hope that we can treasure the moment and show unconditio­nal love, regardless of the color of skin or ethnicity and be the models for good citizenshi­p for our children.

Thank you, Mr. President, for your life of exemplary service and as model for all of us to follow. And in the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT, “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.”

Our nation needs healing!

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