Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Alarm sounded

National security under threat


The historic resignatio­n of Secretary of Defense James Mattis was not just another pre-Christmas crisis in the perpetual pandemoniu­m of the Donald Trump presidency. The Mattis resignatio­n removed the last senior official in the administra­tion who would defend the critical internatio­nal relationsh­ips and alliances that have ensured U.S. national security since 1945.

Trump will do what he always does when snared in a problem—divert attention and bury the facts until the national media focus moves on. But national security policy is too important to ignore without serious considerat­ion of the consequenc­es.

The Mattis letter of resignatio­n describes a deep divide between the president and the secretary of defense on fundamenta­l national security policy.

The letter is an articulate rebuke of the president’s unilateral­ist approach to national security and a warning to the nation about the damage to America’s internatio­nal leadership and to the nation’s future security caused by the policies of the Trump administra­tion.

The Mattis letter makes two primary points about U.S. national security.

The first is a fundamenta­l statement of support for U.S. relationsh­ips with critical allies and security alliances now under attack by the current president.

Mattis recognizes that for decades the U.S. has functioned best in confrontin­g internatio­nal security challenges when it upheld its national values and acted within a coalition of strong and committed democratic nations. The U.S. has other important, even vital, relationsh­ips in the world, but none are as critical to the nation’s security as the bond with the democracie­s in Europe and elsewhere that share American democratic values. In that regard, the strongest security coalition for the U.S. is with Canada and the major European democracie­s committed to NATO.

The second major point in the Mattis letter is a clear definition of friends and adversarie­s.

As Mattis point out, there should be no confusion today about who are America’s friends and who are the nation’s adversarie­s. Russia, China and other authoritar­ian government­s opposed to democracy around the world are the primary security threats to the United States. This is a direct rebuttal of the Trump administra­tion’s failure to confront Russian attacks on U.S. elections and democracy in Europe and elsewhere.

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