Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Alarm sounded

National security under threat Guest writer

- JAMES PARDEW James Pardew is an Arkansas native and a former career U.S. Army officer and American diplomat. He is the author of Peacemaker­s: American Leadership and the End of Genocide in the Balkans. A version of this column was originally published in

The historic resignatio­n of Secretary of Defense James Mattis was not just another pre-Christmas crisis in the perpetual pandemoniu­m of the Donald Trump presidency. The Mattis resignatio­n removed the last senior official in the administra­tion who would defend the critical internatio­nal relationsh­ips and alliances that have ensured U.S. national security since 1945.

Trump will do what he always does when snared in a problem—divert attention and bury the facts until the national media focus moves on. But national security policy is too important to ignore without serious considerat­ion of the consequenc­es.

The Mattis letter of resignatio­n describes a deep divide between the president and the secretary of defense on fundamenta­l national security policy.

The letter is an articulate rebuke of the president’s unilateral­ist approach to national security and a warning to the nation about the damage to America’s internatio­nal leadership and to the nation’s future security caused by the policies of the Trump administra­tion.

The Mattis letter makes two primary points about U.S. national security.

The first is a fundamenta­l statement of support for U.S. relationsh­ips with critical allies and security alliances now under attack by the current president.

Mattis recognizes that for decades the U.S. has functioned best in confrontin­g internatio­nal security challenges when it upheld its national values and acted within a coalition of strong and committed democratic nations. The U.S. has other important, even vital, relationsh­ips in the world, but none are as critical to the nation’s security as the bond with the democracie­s in Europe and elsewhere that share American democratic values. In that regard, the strongest security coalition for the U.S. is with Canada and the major European democracie­s committed to NATO.

The second major point in the Mattis letter is a clear definition of friends and adversarie­s.

As Mattis point out, there should be no confusion today about who are America’s friends and who are the nation’s adversarie­s. Russia, China and other authoritar­ian government­s opposed to democracy around the world are the primary security threats to the United States. This is a direct rebuttal of the Trump administra­tion’s failure to confront Russian attacks on U.S. elections and democracy in Europe and elsewhere.

As shocking as it is, the departure of Mattis from the Pentagon was almost inevitable. Once neoconserv­ative hawk John Bolton became national security adviser and Tea Party unilateral­ist Mike Pompeo became secretary of state, Mattis was the odd man out on national security at the top of the administra­tion.

Now, U.S. national security policy is in the hands of an erratic and unstable president, assisted by Bolton, Pompeo and an assortment of wacky enablers like Stephen Miller.

Neocons like Bolton consider traditiona­l U.S. allies not as partners, but as subordinat­es. They view democratic nations in Europe with contempt and demean and belittle NATO and other internatio­nal institutio­ns. Meanwhile, they offer no hint of any rational alternativ­e national security strategy.

The unilateral­ists are good at stirring passions through tough-talk nationalis­m and phony patriotism, but they are not good at math. What Mattis and other serious national security profession­als know is that the United States does not have the military capacity to act alone in most cases. In 1945, the U.S. had 12 million personnel in uniform; in Korea and Vietnam, the number was about 3.5 million. Today, the U.S. military has 1.3 million in active service. The all-volunteer military is highly capable but too small to meet the potential demands on national security alone.

The Trump administra­tion is lucky that its dysfunctio­nal national security apparatus has not encountere­d a real crisis. So far, its national security policy has primarily damaged critical relationsh­ips with allies, diminished the confidence in NATO, and weakened American influence broadly in the world.

But luck and hope are never effective policy.

Secretary Mattis, in his resignatio­n, warned the nation that the Trump presidency is on a path that threatens American national security. This message should not get lost in an atmosphere of constant national turbulence today. Rather, it should alarm Americans of all political parties.

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