Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: My veterinari­an has diagnosed my dog as overweight. She says, as it is with people, extra pounds usually appear as a result of the animal eating too much food and not getting enough exercise.

There are other conditions that can contribute to your dog being overweight: hormone imbalance, the animal’s breed and temperamen­t, and diseases.

Being overweight can be a contributi­ng factor for diseases like diabetes, pancreatit­is, heart and liver disease, and arthritis.

The cure for overweight? It’s a slow and steady process, according to the doctor, with small portions of a nutritiona­lly sound diet and no snacking. Up the exercise.

Make sure the whole family knows the dog is on a diet.

— Elizabeth A. in Ohio DEAR READER: Readers, check with your veterinari­ans for their expertise.

DEAR HELOISE: I use baking soda for underarm deodorant.

— Donald B., via email DEAR READER: Baking soda also can keep foot odors at bay, and it’s cheap, safe and readily available.

No time to shampoo? Sprinkle a tiny amount of baking soda down the part in your hair and brush. The baking soda will absorb excess oils.

DEAR HELOISE: Can I store clothes in plastic containers in the attic?

— Alicia J., via email DEAR READER: Clothes need to “breathe” and be exposed to circulatin­g air. Storing clothes in plastic bins doesn’t allow for this. Also, mold and mildew can accumulate. If you live in an area of high humidity, hang clothes, and cover with a cloth garment bag or cotton sheet.

P.S. A cedar chest is OK.

DEAR HELOISE: This is what I did to lose weight: My rule is just to eat one helping of each thing. I rarely eat bread or potatoes. No eating between meals. No counting calories.

When at a buffet or large family meal, I take only one scoop of each item — no second helpings. If I’m hungry for sweets, I eat a small piece of candy (I keep mini candy bars on hand).

I exercise two hours a week at a health club. I’ve painlessly lost 30 pounds, and I look and feel better after doing this for seven months.

— Annie in Nebraska DEAR READER: Solid advice for the new year.

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