Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Eye risk too great

Ophthalmol­ogists trained for this Guest writer

- ROBERT LOWERY Dr. Robert Lowery, M.D., is president of the Arkansas Ophthalmol­ogical Society and has been practicing for 20 years. He graduated from University Of Arkansas College of Medicine in 1999 and specialize­s in ophthalmol­ogy and pediatric ophthal

Sight. We take it for granted until it’s gone. If you needed surgery on your eyes, would you rather have a medically trained eye surgeon or someone whose training consisted of a 32-hour weekend course?

Most of us would choose the eye surgeon, otherwise known as an ophthalmol­ogist.

There is a big difference between an optometris­t and an ophthalmol­ogist. An optometris­t specialize­s in eye care. Although they are considered doctors of optometry, they have no medical training and have no requiremen­ts for residency training and clinical rotations.

An ophthalmol­ogist is a trained medical doctor, specializi­ng in eye surgery and requiring years of surgical experience. As an ophthalmol­ogist, I am acutely aware of how complicate­d and delicate an organ the eye is. Becoming an eye surgeon is purposeful­ly a long process. It requires four years of undergradu­ate college, four years of medical school, including two years of clinical rotations, a year-long internship, and three years of ophthalmol­ogy residency. This training is necessary and vital to ensure that you and your family are receiving the highest quality medical eye care, and that is why I am speaking up on behalf of you, the patient.

If optometris­ts are successful in their legislativ­e goal to expand their scope of work in Arkansas, they will be able to perform surgeries on the eyes and eyelids of their patients with lasers, scalpels, and other surgical instrument­s after only having to attend a 32-hour training course!

Attempting to condense eight years of medical school and residency into a 32-hour instructio­n course is unrealisti­c and dangerous to the public health. Additional­ly, under the current proposed legislatio­n, optometris­ts that complete the short training course would not be licensed or regulated by the Arkansas State Medical Board.

Let that last sentence sink in. The Arkansas State Medical Board would have no oversight over risky procedures performed on one of our most important organs.

Optometris­ts certainly have an important role in eye care. Arkansas is fortunate to have access to over 400 optometris­ts across the state to serve our communitie­s. However, the difference between optometris­ts and ophthalmol­ogists is distinctly clear, and their differing roles exist for a reason. This issue has a real risk attached to it that is unnecessar­y and is driven by the desire for increased profits.

As a medical doctor, I took an oath to, first, do no harm. Because of this, I cannot in good faith support a measure that is clearly not in the best interest of Arkansas patients, and I feel a responsibi­lity to speak out in opposition to this dangerous bill.

According to a recent poll by the Arkansas Medical Society, 79 percent of Arkansans said they oppose expanding the scope of practice for optometris­ts to include eye surgery. Furthermor­e, when asked which was more important to them, 93 percent of Arkansans surveyed said they would prefer a licensed medical doctor trained in eye surgery to an optometris­t at a more convenient location.

This tells me that Arkansans are not willing to compromise when it comes to getting quality health care, specifical­ly when it comes to procedures as delicate as eye surgery. Much like you would want a cardiac surgeon to perform open-heart surgery, Arkansans want a medically trained eye surgeon to perform surgical procedures on the eye.

This legislatio­n is coming, and I ask that you join me in asking your state representa­tive and state senator to stand up for the health of your eyes and urge them to oppose letting non-medically and non-surgically trained providers perform eye surgery.

The health of your eyes depends on it.

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