Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



After North’s no-trump rebid to show 12-14 high-card points, South forced to game with an artificial inquiry of two diamonds. When North admitted to threecard support for spades at his next turn, South jumped to four clubs to show shortness in that suit. After a cue-bid and Roman Key-card Blackwood, a small dose of optimism prompted South to jump to the slam in spades.

West led the diamond queen, and declarer wisely paused to form a plan. He saw that trumps would have to be 3-2 if he were to have any chance. He could generate a diamond ruff in dummy, but that would still leave him a trick short of his contract.

It was far from obvious, but the best hope for a 12th trick was to establish a trick in clubs.

So, after winning the diamond king, declarer led the club queen. When this was covered with the king, declarer’s first instinct was to play the ace. But since he did not have the entries to ruff three clubs, he let the king hold.

When West exited with the diamond jack, declarer won his ace, then cashed the trump king and ace. After ruffing a low club in hand, declarer trumped his diamond loser in dummy. He then ruffed a second club in hand and got the good news of the 4-3 break. He drew West’s remaining trump, discarding a low heart from dummy, at which point he had eight tricks. The heart ace-king brought the total to 10, with the club ace and the establishe­d club eight taking the last two tricks.

ANSWER: Even with four-card support and 10 points, with its lack of aces and flat shape, this hand is worth only a simple raise. We certainly would not like partner to bid game with a maximum weak notrump. One of the easiest ways in a strong no-trump base to turn a plus into a minus is to invite game facing an opener with an unremarkab­le 10-point hand.

If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

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