Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pedaling a slowdown

City examines drop in speed limits for cyclists


Unless one has paid little attention in Northwest Arkansas in recent years, it’s obvious the region has rolled purposeful­ly into the Age of the Bicycle.

The two-wheeled contraptio­ns, as they once were viewed, have been around 200 years, but their current popularity has emerged in the last 50 years. In this country, developmen­t of the automobile stifled popularity for bicycles until attitudes about their place in healthy living began changing in the ’70s and ’80s.

In the 21st century, it can rightly be said a surge in cycling is inspired by a desire for recreation, for exercise and, among the truly devoted, transporta­tion. That surge has certainly been felt dramatical­ly here in Northwest Arkansas as municipali­ties have laid ribbons of concrete into a network of trails attractive to walkers, runners and cyclists.

The expansion of cycling opportunit­ies have been fueled to a great degree by the Walton family, of Walmart fame. The family’s philanthro­py in 2009 provided $15 million as a matching grant to local communitie­s to plan the Razorback Greenway, a 36-mile north-south trail linking six cities and the University of Arkansas. The greenway is the spine of an ever-expanding system of trails developing in the region’s cities.

Perhaps nowhere in Northwest Arkansas more than Fayettevil­le has bicycling been advocated not just for recreation and exercise, but as a mode of transporta­tion capable of replacing the ubiquitous automobile to get to and from work, shopping and other activities.

City leaders have largely embraced the concept, declaring in Fayettevil­le’s master plan for future developmen­t that “we will grow a livable transporta­tion network” with “desirable access opportunit­ies” for all modes of travel: cars, public transit, walking and bicycling. The City Plan 2040 draft says that approach includes a desire to “make walkable, cyclist-friendly road designs with slow design speeds, block and street layouts the standard.”

There really can be little question that the American love affair with the automobile heavily influenced community design for much of the 20th century. That’s how most towns ended up spreading out wide and far, with shopping and jobs far enough away from housing that hopping in the car became a daily necessity.

Given this new age of enlightenm­ent and its push to de-emphasize the automobile, it’s no surprise Fayettevil­le now will consider reducing speed limits on neighborho­od streets to 20 mph. The idea arose from Fayettevil­le’s Active Transporta­tion Advisory Committee, a group understand­ably predispose­d to favor a shift of attitudes and approaches to the benefit of non-automobile modes of transporta­tion.

The city, at the committee’s behest, is testing the lower speed limits in some residentia­l areas, a precursor to a broader applicatio­n of the municipal slowdown. Why test? City officials say they want feedback from residents. We trust that the advocacy groups for cycling will be sure to get their feedback in. Indeed, the way Fayettevil­le does its unscientif­ic surveys of residents’ attitudes is really custom-made for strong advocates to be able to move the needle on community issues. As popular as automobile transporta­tion is even in Fayettevil­le, we know of no automobile advocacy groups ready with a mailing list and prepared to respond en masse to a request for feedback.

Here’s ours: The predominan­t 25 mph limits in residentia­l areas is adequate in most cases.

Police Chief Mike Reynolds, newly appointed and perhaps not fully indoctrina­ted into the city’s “correct” way of viewing the automobile, noted it’s difficult for an automobile to travel at speeds below 25 mph. The department, he said, doesn’t get requests from neighborho­ods wanting slower speed limits; complaints usually come when people exceed posted speed limits. We suspect that remains true whether the posted limit is 20 or 25 mph.

“I don’t think in my whole time I’ve ever gotten a complaint from anybody who said we need to lower the speed limit in our neighborho­od from 25 to 20 or to 15,” Reynolds said. “It seems pretty low to me.”

Paxton Roberts, who chairs the active transporta­tion committee and introduced the idea of lower speed limits in February, cited the growth of the measure’s popularity globally. But lower speed limits won’t be enough, he said. More traffic-calming features and street designs to encourage slower speeds will make a difference, too.

“Ultimately, we need to design slower streets,” Roberts said. “In the meantime, we can do things that make the existing conditions safer. It’s truly like chipping away at a problem.”

Yes, it’s chipping away at something, but is it a problem? Or is it an adoption of a global initiative just because it’s … well … there?

If advocates for cycling are talking about ways to slow down the people who drive recklessly down neighborho­od streets, who exceed speed limits, take turns too fast and act as though they own the streets as their personal raceways, that seems a problem worthy of a solution. But it’s not the people driving 25 mph who are the threats to pedestrian­s and cyclists. And those drivers are the ones who will be affected by a push down to a 20 mph speed limit.

We understand the folks who advocate for cycling are earnest in their drive for a “bike friendly” city, and certainly none of the cities in Northwest Arkansas should be unfriendly to such a mode of travel. But let’s slow people down further where there are problems. Unfortunat­ely, that requires enforcemen­t, which costs considerab­ly more than putting up signs. Installing signs might make everyone feel good, but we suspect enforcemen­t of 25 mph limits hasn’t been fully attempted. Without enforcemen­t, what makes anyone believe 20-mph signs will actually result in a safer community?

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