Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Advice from a chum


Hi, Donnie, your compari (goombah) from Jersey is back. Couldn’t help but notice some bad karma coming out of the White House and thought you might like some sympatheti­c advice.

First, tell Rudy to pick better friends, ones who don’t look like they just came out of Central Casting for Godfather I, II and III. Do either of you hang with any “known associates” who aren’t under arrest or under indictment? Not looking good for the history books, pal.

Second, the loyal Kurds have had our backs for quite a while. Throwing them under the bus to curry favor with vicious dictators is trés, trés lousy and totally dishonorab­le. If our other allies are “cheesed” about this and no longer trust us, it’s pretty justifiabl­e.

Third, conniving to get the G-7 bigwigs to stay in your bedbug-ridden overpriced resort in Miami would have been a clear violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constituti­on—clear and simple. Good on you for backing down, but considerin­g it in the first place was “bat-doo-doo” crazy. (Florida in June? Really??)

Fourth, ignoring a congressio­nal subpoena, for both you and your henchmen/henchladie­s, just screams “I am so guilty.” You may have a loyal cult and some spineless congressme­n to back you up, but a lot more of us know contempt of Congress when we see it.

Fifth, the military has a three-word phrase to indicate one’s having messed up beyond all measure. It suggests an intimate relationsh­ip with a canine; let’s leave it at that. Suggesting that impeachmen­t—a legal process enshrined in the Constituti­on—is comparable to the horror of “lynching” is a tad beyond unconscion­able and superlow-class.

Well, that’s enough from your Jersey buddy. Tell Vlad I said “Privyet.” LINDA A. FARRELL

Bella Vista

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