Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2019 McDonald’s making shift to high-tech

Enticement­s to super-size part of its ‘offline cookies’


McDonald’s has a new plan to sell more Big Macs: act like big technology companies.

Over the past seven months, the fast-food chain has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire technology companies that specialize in artificial intelligen­ce and machine learning. McDonald’s has even establishe­d a new tech hub in the heart of Silicon Valley — the McD Tech Labs — where a team of engineers and data scientists is working on voice-recognitio­n software.

The goal? To turn McDonald’s, a chain better known for supersize portions than for supercompu­ters, into a saltier, greasier version of Amazon.

As fast-food sales decline across the increasing­ly competitiv­e marketplac­e, McDonald’s is looking for new ways to lure customers. Last week, the chain said samestore sales in the United States were weaker than expected for the third quarter, sending shares lower.

But in the coming years, its machine-learning technology could change how consumers decide what to eat — and, in a potentiall­y ominous developmen­t for their waistlines, make them eat more.

So far, the new technologi­cal advances can be experience­d mostly at the chain’s thousands of drive-thrus, where for years menu boards have displayed a familiar array of McDonald’s favorites: Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, Chicken McNuggets.

Now, the chain has digital boards programmed to market that food more strategica­lly, taking into account such factors as the time of day, the weather, the popularity of certain menu items and the length of the wait. On a hot afternoon, for example, the board might promote soda rather than coffee. At the conclusion of every transactio­n, screens now display a list of recommenda­tions, nudging customers to order more.

At some drive-thrus, McDonald’s has tested technology that can recognize license-plate numbers, allowing the company to tailor a list of suggested purchases to a customer’s previous orders, as long as the person agrees to sign away the data.

“You just grow to expect that in other parts of your life. Why should it be different when you’re ordering at McDonald’s?” said Daniel Henry, the chain’s chief informatio­n officer. “We don’t think food should be any different than what you buy on Amazon.”

As the evolution of the McDonald’s drive-thru shows, the internet shopping experience, with its recommenda­tion algorithms and personaliz­ation, is increasing­ly shaping the world of brick-and-mortar retail, as restaurant­s, clothing stores, supermarke­ts and other businesses use new technology to collect consumer data and then deploy that informatio­n to encourage more spending.

At some stores, Bluetooth devices now track shoppers’ movements, allowing companies to send texts and emails

recommendi­ng products that customers lingered over but did not buy. And a number of retailers are experiment­ing with facial-recognitio­n tools and other technologi­es — sometimes known as “offline cookies” — that allow businesses to gather informatio­n about customers even when they are away from their computers.

In the restaurant world, the increasing­ly popular fooddelive­ry apps have produced a slew of customer data. But much of that informatio­n is controlled by third-party technology companies rather than by the restaurant­s themselves, underlinin­g the importance of tech expertise in an increasing­ly competitiv­e industry.

“A lot of the restaurant chains, the larger ones that have the cash and the clout and the depth, are really turning into quasi-technology companies,” said Michael Atkinson, who runs Orderscape, a company that provides voice-ordering technology. “All of them have that ambition.”

In March, McDonald’s spent more than $300 million to buy Dynamic Yield, the Tel Aviv company that developed the artificial intelligen­ce tools now used at thousands of McDonald’s drive-thrus.

The deal “has changed the way the high-tech industry thinks about potential [mergers and acquistion­s],” said Liad Agmon, a former Israeli intelligen­ce official who cofounded Dynamic Yield. “We’ll see more nontraditi­onal tech companies buying tech companies as an accelerato­r for their digital efforts. It was genius on McDonald’s side.”

Already, the recommenda­tion algorithms built into the drive-thru menu boards have generated larger orders, the McDonald’s chief executive, Steve Easterbroo­k, said during an earnings call in July. Henry, the chain’s informatio­n executive, declined to reveal the size of the increase. By the end of the year, the new system is expected to be in place at nearly every McDonald’s drive-thru in the U.S.

In September, McDonald’s purchased a second tech company, Apprente, a startup based in Mountain View, Calif., that develops voice-activated platforms that can process orders in several languages and accents. In recent months, McDonald’s has tested voice recognitio­n at some of its restaurant­s, seeking to replace the human workers who take orders with a faster system.

McDonald’s insists that the rollout of the voice technology will not cost jobs. But at a time when it faces renewed protests from workers over low wages and sexual harassment, the chain’s new focus on technology could intensify scrutiny of how it treats its workers and how they might be affected by automation. While McDonalds has reported impressive growth over the past couple of years, some employees at its restaurant­s make less than $10 an hour.

“Try raising a family on that,” said Adriana Alvarez, an employee in Cicero, Ill., who has helped lead the high-profile campaign for a $15 hourly wage at McDonald’s. “The company should be able to balance tech and other investment­s and, in the process, ensure workers like me are safe on the job and have a seat at the table.”

At the McDonald’s drivethru on Fort Hamilton Parkway in Brooklyn, every order still must go through a human being. Last week, the voice on the other end of the speaker sounded perplexed when a reporter turned down the free soda that usually comes with a cheeseburg­er and fries.

But the rest of the drive-thru experience — with its digital screens and recommenda­tion algorithms — does indeed feel a bit like shopping online.

“It’s a great, efficient way to take people’s money,” said Marayah Jerry as she waited at the drive-thru to collect a Ranch Snack Wrap. “I’ll come with an idea of what I want, and then I see the pictures, and I’m like, ‘that looks good.’”

Another drive-thru customer, Dalila Ruiz, said she noticed the suggested add-ons at the bottom of the menu board but resisted the temptation to splurge. “I don’t want to be so fat,” Ruiz said.

Not all McDonald’s customers are likely to show such discipline. Critics of artificial intelligen­ce have long warned that the technology could lead to a dystopian future in which humans are subordinat­e to machines.

Before the robot apocalypse, however, artificial intelligen­ce might simply make people fatter.

“There are real, significan­t unintended consequenc­es of something like this further driving unhealthy eating and more fast-food eating and obesity rates and diabetes rates going up,” said Scott Kahan, a doctor who directs the National Center for Weight and Wellness, an obesity clinic in Washington, D.C. “These sorts of technologi­es are making it hard for people to just find some reasonable moderation.”

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