Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



With no shape and poor heart intermedia­tes, many would pass as West rather than risk a vulnerable pre-empt. However, this West saw fit to put the pressure on with a call of two hearts. North doubled for takeout, and South went through Lebensohl, bidding two no-trump as a puppet to three clubs, before removing to three spades to invite game while showing precisely four spades. North had an easy raise.

West hit on a diamond lead, declarer taking the ace as East contribute­d the nine. The king would have been clearer, but it might have prevented him from continuing diamonds effectivel­y later on.

Concerned about trump promotions, South drew trumps in three rounds, ending in hand, then advanced the heart king.

West leaped on that and continued diamonds,

East playing another round to force the dummy. With no way back to hand, declarer had little chance but to cash the club tops and play a third round, hoping to keep East off lead. However, West was wide awake and unblocked the club queen, allowing his partner to get in with the club jack and cash his diamond winner.

While the defense did well, declarer made heavy work of a simple task. Placing the heart jack on his left (a much better chance than 3-3 clubs), he should have led the heart nine, not the king, to trick five. If West played low, declarer would let the nine run, then knock out the heart ace. He would no longer need a re-entry to hand in order to pick up the hearts.

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