Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



When language is used without true significan­ce, it loses its purpose as a means of communicat­ion and becomes an end in itself.

— Karl Jaspers

When West led the club 10 against three no-trump, declarer’s lack of club stoppers prevented him from developing the spades. That would require the loss of two tempos, by which time East-West would have at least five winners.

The hearts would have to provide three tricks, and diamonds would need to split 3-2 (or West must hold a singleton honor), in order to provide four tricks. The diamonds were likely to break for declarer, but what about the hearts? A 3-3 split occurs about a third of the time, but if the suit does not break, East may hold the ace. To exploit such a lie, South would have to lead toward his heart honors as many times as possible.

South won trick one in dummy with the king and played a heart to the king. Next came the diamond king and queen, then the diamond nine to the ace for another heart lead.

When South’s heart queen held, his third entry to dummy was by overtaking his diamond three with the five for a third heart play. This time,

East rose with the ace, but the club ace served as the entry to the heart jack.

Note the need to win trick one in dummy, or declarer never scores his long heart.

West might have distracted declarer here by dropping the diamond jack under the king. Then declarer might read him as having a singleton and hope for an even heart split (or ace-doubleton onside), by crossing to the diamond ace to finesse the diamond nine. That would leave South an entry short to pick up the hearts.

ANSWER: Pass. You doubled as a cheap way into the auction, but do not be tempted to bid again just because you have found a fit. To raise partner’s forced one-level response requires more in the way of high-card or offensive values: around 15 to 17 in high cards, or four trumps and a singleton.You should expect your partner to act again with the slightest excuse — if he trusts you.

If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

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