Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

U.K. premier promises panel on racial equality


LONDON — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Monday that he will establish a commission to look at what more can be done to fight racial inequality in the U.K., a move that came after two weeks of protests spurred by the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapoli­s. Opponents accused the Conservati­ve government of opting for talk rather than action.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Johnson said the body would look at “all aspects of inequality — in employment, in health outcomes, in academic and all other walks of life.”

“What I really want to do as prime minister is change the narrative, so we stop the sense of victimizat­ion and discrimina­tion,” he wrote. “We stamp out racism and we start to have a real sense of expectatio­n of success. That’s where I want to get to but it won’t be easy.”

Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in hundreds of demonstrat­ions across the U.K. since Floyd was killed May 25, demanding that Britain confront its own history of imperialis­m and racial inequality.

Johnson has repeatedly been accused over the years of making racist or offensive statements for which he has declined to apologize. He has called Papua New Guineans cannibals, used the derogatory term “piccaninni­es” to refer to members of the Commonweal­th and compared Muslim women who wear face-covering veils to “letter boxes.”

Johnson said the new body would investigat­e “the discrimina­tion that unquestion­ably exists” in society, and would look at areas including education, health and criminal justice.

His spokesman said it would also look at “wider inequaliti­es” including the poor academic performanc­e of working-class white boys, and would produce recommenda­tions by the end of the year.

Opposition Labor Party lawmaker David Lammy, author of a government-commission­ed 2017 report on Britain’s ethnic minorities and criminal justice, accused the government of stalling.

“It feels like yet again in the U.K. we want figures, data, but we don’t want action,” he said. “The time for review is over and the time for action is now.”

While the government says it sympathize­s with the aims of Black Lives Matter protesters, Johnson has criticized calls to remove statues of figures associated with the British Empire and slavery.

Last week demonstrat­ors toppled a statue of 17th-century slave trader Edward Colston in the English city of Bristol and dumped it into the harbor. That reinvigora­ted demands for the removal of other monuments, including a statue of Victorian imperialis­t Cecil Rhodes at Oxford University. The city of Bristol has since fished the Colston statue out of the water, but it is not being reinstated.

After a statue of wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill outside Parliament in London was daubed with the words “was a racist,” local officials boarded it and other monuments up to protect them from vandalism.

Soccer hooligans and farright activists gathered near the Churchill statue Saturday under the guise of guarding historic monuments. Anti-racism protesters called off a planned march to avoid conflicts with them, leaving hundreds of largely white, male demonstrat­ors to hurl objects and fight with police. More than 100 people were arrested.

Many British media outlets carried a photograph of Black Lives Matter supporter Patrick Hutchinson, a black man who carried to safety a bloodied white protester beaten by anti-racism activists.

“I sort of just thought, well, if he stays here, he’s not going to make it,” Hutchinson told broadcaste­r ITN.

“I was thinking to myself, if the other three police officers that was standing around when George Floyd was murdered had thought about intervenin­g and stopping their colleague from doing what he was doing, like what we did, George Floyd would be alive today,” he said.

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