Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Accountabl­e leaders


James Mattis upset Mr. Trump by saying “Equal justice under law … this is precisely what protesters are rightly demanding. … Keeping public order rests with civilian state and local leaders who best understand their communitie­s …”

Gen. Marc Dempsey echoed Mattis. “The idea that the military would be called in to dominate” seems “very dangerous to me.”

Gen. John Kelly added, “I think we should look at people that are running for office and put them through the filter. What is their character like? What are their ethics?”

Tom Cotton, once an Army captain, suggested the use of military force was justified, citing references of “delusional politician­s” not doing what was “necessary to uphold the rule of law.” He labeled some as “excitable critics, ignorant of both the law and our history.”

Mr. Cotton noted that past presidents called out the military. He specifical­ly cited the 1957 integratio­n of the Little Rock schools. Then-Gov. Orval Faubus opposed the effort, resulting in President Dwight Eisenhower ordering in federal troops.

His use of harmful invectives such as delusional, excitable, and ignorant are meant to belittle, but Mr. Cotton said more. He described Faubus as “a racist Democrat.”

Senator Strom Thurman of South Carolina, believed by many to be racist, initially a Democrat, switched to the Republican Party in 1964 after passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Would we expect, then, to see Mr. Cotton describe Thurman as a racist Republican?

We must choose our leaders wisely.

State Sen. Joyce Elliott recently said that she called out certain leaders to be more accountabl­e. Tom Cotton, I call your name.

JOHN R. WATTS Little Rock

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