Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Thesis statement

End of high school career starts new interest


The coronaviru­s pandemic didn’t stop Lauren Grace Perry from completing one more project.

Perry, a graduate of Pulaski Academy, had to write a senior thesis and defend it.

With schools shut down, Perry delivered the thesis virtually to administra­tors, teachers and classmates. She also had to send a bound book to her teacher Bill Topich, who is the school’s social sciences department chair. The thesis presented in the book was 99 pages.

The subject was on period poverty in the United States, which Perry said was about the lack of access to affordable period products and feminine health education for low-income communitie­s.

Perry received a 98% on the thesis, which led her to finish her high school career with a 4.57 GPA. She also scored a perfect 36 on the ACT.

Perry, a swimmer and soccer player at Pulaski Academy, is this year’s Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Girls Academic Athlete of the Year.

Sarah Gorman, the Upper School counselor at Pulaski Academy, praised Perry for her career.

“Lauren Grace is indeed both a thinker and a doer,” Gorman said in her nomination letter for Perry. “She has what her parents characteri­ze as a ‘relentless pursuit of success’ that propels her forward when many others would tire or settle for ‘good enough.’ What sets Lauren Grace apart from many other high-achievers is her personal determinat­ion to ensure that her endeavors have a direct, personal, and meaningful impact on those around her.

“Above all, she is a talented, compassion­ate young woman who is truly committed to making the world a better place — and I believe that she will make it happen.”

Perry played four years of

soccer and was on the swimming team for two years. She also played volleyball during her freshman and sophomore seasons.

Pulaski Academy shut down classes in March because of the pandemic. Though disappoint­ed, Perry said she understood the decision.

“Not having that sense of closure was hard,” she said.

Perry was vice president of the Student Council, and president of the Medical Club and Interact Club. She also was a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Club and Thespians Club.

Perry also competed in National History Day for Pulaski Academy in March in Conway. A presentati­on Perry made during the event was on the evolution of Wonder Woman as a character from comic books to television to motion pictures. Perry was part of Pulaski Academy’s second-place team at the event. The team then competed virtually in the national event in June.

Perry will attend TCU in

Fort Worth, where she plans to major in pre-med. She is considerin­g becoming a doctor, but also expressed interest in improving feminine health product education. That interest came from her thesis.

“I’d like to turn my thesis into a product,” Perry said. “I’m incredibly passionate about this subject.”

Perry attended Pulaski Academy, a Little Rock private school, since she was in the third grade. It’s a source of pride for her.

“I have so many memories,” Perry said. “It’s been an honor to represent PA, academical­ly or athletical­ly. I’m proud to be a part of this school.”

 ??  ?? Lauren Grace Perry, who was a member of Pulaski Academy’s soccer and swim teams, is the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s Girls Academic Athlete of the Year. She will attend TCU in the fall with plans to major in pre-med.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)
Lauren Grace Perry, who was a member of Pulaski Academy’s soccer and swim teams, is the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s Girls Academic Athlete of the Year. She will attend TCU in the fall with plans to major in pre-med. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)

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