Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Who did all these horrible things?


Who were the white nationalis­ts?

The recent article on “How White Protestant Nationalis­m Controlled a State,” soon to be published by the University of Arkansas Press, provides an excellent example of how public education can be used to mislead and indoctrina­te children from a young age using “slanted histories.” It can be very effective as it is well known that what is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. What is even more interestin­g is identifyin­g who these people spreading false gospels actually were and still are.

The answer is easy to find in our history. One need only ask who opposed the abolition of slavery? Who started the Civil War, seceding from the United States to preserve the institutio­n of slavery? Who opposed Reconstruc­tion and created the KKK to enforce their opposition to it? Who opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments? Who filibuster­ed the Civil Rights Act of the early 1960s? Who caused the Montgomery bus boycott and who opposed the desegregat­ion of Little Rock’s high school in 1957?

Who created a new political party and forced the relocation of 60,000 Native Americans with the Indian Removal Act in 1830? Who rounded up and locked up West Coast Japanese American citizens during World War II? Who is promoting unrest, racism and dividing our country today?

It is the same people going all the way back to the beginning of their political movement. History and current events are clear. It was and still is Democrats and the Democrat Party. JEFF COOK Springdale

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