Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Words mean nothing


Have we ever had a worse president? Not in my lifetime surely, Nixon notwithsta­nding. Have you ever seen anyone so confrontat­ional? Anyone over the age of 4, that is? Everything is a fight with this man. He wants to fight the U.S. Postal Service and the FBI. He fights with his own science experts about the coronaviru­s, something he clearly knows pathetical­ly little about.

What happened to the great dealmaker? The one who was going to fix Social Security and health care and the economy? The one who was going to disarm North Korea and bring China to its knees? Trump doesn’t negotiate, he threatens. All he can do is bluster and bray and spew venomous insults. And lie, of course; that is his weapon of choice. At this point his words mean nothing; he seems unable to separate truth from falsehood, fact from Fox News.

He seems totally lacking in empathy for the thousands who have died as a direct result of his mismanagem­ent during the pandemic. He prefers to act as though nothing is his fault; it was the Chinese, it’s a media hoax, Obama and the Democrats are behind it.

When you hear people say that wearing a mask is a violation of their constituti­onal rights, that it is all political, you know the president has failed to do his job educating and leading the American people — failed utterly. He has the bully pulpit, but all he wants to do is be a bully. We can do better than this and, come November, we shall.


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