Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

All humanity matters


I’m a Black man, but I think it’s time for a name change. We need to change to “Humanity matters,” and I’ll tell you why.

Throughout history we have had so many lives that have mattered. During World War II, Jewish lives mattered. During the expansion in early America, Indian lives mattered. When England was oppressing the Irish, Irish lives mattered. And so on and so on.

It’s time for us as Black Americans to raise the bar to “humanity matters.” Anywhere there is injustice we should all come together to denounce it, period. Black Lives Matter has served its purpose, and now it’s time to take it to a higher level. We want justice for all, and including all humanity will make the cause stronger for all.

I see the protests, and guess what? I see a lot of different races out protesting. Black, white, Hispanic, and Asian. There are humane people of all colors, and we as Black people need to use this time to unite and see the good in all people. There are more good people than bad, and everyone would feel compassion for this new cause.

It’s time to take off the Black Lives Matter T-shirts, but underneath that shirt will lie a shirt with a much more powerful and inclusive message: Humanity matters.

No more division of any kind. We are the people who believe in humane treatment for all. And we will stand up for any people who are being treated inhumanely.

This new message will unite across political and internatio­nal lines and bring us all into the future we want and deserve!


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