Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



“Latecomers” Michael Zapruder Howells Transmitte­r

Michael Zapruder’s “Latecomers,” dropped Oct. 16, is a richly textured musical journey that delves inward to domestic intimacy and outward to the wasteland of modern American life. The album features Sufjan Stevens’ collaborat­or James McAlister and a rhythm section that’s played with Father John Misty to Thao with the Get Down Stay Down. It’s an album where slow burning folk meets pop meets tried-and-true indie rock from a songwriter really hitting his stride.

Zapruder’s new collection of vivid songs begins its life in a world in which so much seems to be ending. Like anything new these days, these songs are Latecomers.

“Devil Told Me” Ruby Mack

Feminist folk ensemble Ruby Mack imagine themselves as direct descendant­s of Eve. Not in the traditiona­l story’s sense, but in a timeline in which she unashamedl­y consumed the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, biting into knowledge and sharing it with all the world.

With strong and beautiful vocal harmonies, soothing guitar and soaring fiddle lines, Ruby Mack have created a collection of songs on their new album “Devil Told Me,” out Oct. 23, that are both confession­al and uplifting.

With not enough live music to fill a weekly listing, this spot will be filled by news and reviews of new albums, both local and national. Send informatio­n about your new releases to Jocelyn Murphy at

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