Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

How to stay motivated during job hunt

Being focused on what you want in that dream job


Did you know that the average job search takes nine weeks? Of course, this statistic varies by industry, but it’s important to stick with your job hunt for the long haul. For most people, it won’t happen overnight. But with all the applicatio­ns, cover letters, phone screenings, and interviews, how do you stay motivated through the ups and downs of your search? Read on to find out more.

Set Achievable Goals

One of the most important things you can do to stay on track during a job hunt is to set goals for yourself. For example, try to apply for a job each day, or make an effort to send out ten applicatio­ns a week. This goal should align with what’s possible given your schedule and current workload.

If you’re currently employed full time, you may only have a little time to dedicate to your job hunt, so don’t set a goal to apply to 50 jobs a week. However, if you’re unemployed right now, you may be able to dedicate a lot more time to job hunting, so you can set a bigger target.

Don’t Get Discourage­d

While your ultimate goal is to win your dream position, it’s likely that you’ll encounter a few setbacks along the way. You may find a job that sounds ideal, and not even get called back for an interview. Or you may get through three rounds of interviews only to be not offered the job. Start your search knowing that this will likely happen, and when it does, give yourself a break. Take a day or two off from your hunt, seek advice from your loved ones or profession­al network, and recharge your batteries.

Celebrate Successes

Even if you don’t get the job in the end, landing an interview is something to celebrate! Look at each interview as a chance to show off your expertise and practice your interview skills. If you don’t get the job, think of that interview as a dress rehearsal for a future one. When you reach your daily or weekly goals, celebrate. When you get a callback, celebrate. And when you finally do score the position of your dreams, make sure to do something extra special.

Whether you’re at the beginning of your job hunt or are already a few weeks in, follow these tips to stay motivated and on track!

 ?? Photo by iStock ?? Be motivated, focused and persistent in finding that dream job.
Photo by iStock Be motivated, focused and persistent in finding that dream job.

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