Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: Yesterday, our HOA Board of Directors took a tour of our local wastewater plant. Let me tell you, it was quite an eye-opener. Flushable wipes should not be flushed down the toilet. They should be thrown in the trash, as they do not break down and can cause havoc in the sewer system. Clogged pipes can cause costly backups in your neighborho­od and even in your home.

Do not put bacon grease, cooking oil, shortening, lard, butter or margarine, gravy, mayonnaise, salad dressing, sour cream or meat drippings down the drain, as it too clogs the sewage system. The proper way to dispose of used cooking oil is by letting it cool and pouring it into a sealable container (such as an empty water jug or mayonnaise jar) and placing the sealed container in the trash. These are just a few things you can do to prevent sewage backup.

— Ronnie Zacker, via email

DEAR HELOISE: I would like to add a few ideas you missed for old blankets and comforters that could provide humanitari­an support or support to animal shelters. Use old blankets or comforters to cover a homeless person laying on the ground, or just offer it to them. Remember that unhoused people are someone’s loved one. Drop a load of blankets, comforters and towels off at your local animal shelter. Most dogs are housed on cement or sling beds and aren’t provided any comfort or warmth. I hope you’ll post these additional ideas. Thank you.

— Gaye S., via email

DEAR HELOISE: I live in the New Orleans area, and many people are just now having their roof replaced because of the damage from Hurricane Ida last year. Unfortunat­ely, some roofers have accidental­ly disconnect­ed the exhaust pipe of central heating units that vent carbon monoxide outside (usually through the roof). Most people have no idea this happened until their HVAC technician tells them. Not everyone has carbon monoxide detectors. This could kill everyone in the house! Please check your vent and get a detector!

— Vicki Frame, Kenner, La.

DEAR HELOISE: Someone recently suggested using a trash bag on the car seat to make it easier to turn and get out of the car. I didn’t have a trash bag handy, but I did have one of those vinyl cover grocery tote bags you can buy from the store. It’s more durable and won’t bunch up either.

— Marcy Menifee, Calif. Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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