Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Afghan resettleme­nt dropped from spending bill

- ALEX HORTON Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Liz Goodwin, Abigail Hauslohner and Paul Kane of The Washington Post.

WASHINGTON — Congress dropped from its $1.7 billion omnibus spending bill an amendment that would have created a pathway to residency for Afghan refugees, dimming the hopes for tens of thousands of people rescued as Kabul fell in August 2021. Advocates of the legislatio­n have described the move as a betrayal that would sour potential allies in future conflicts.

Advocates blamed Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky for opposing the measure while others scrambled in a last-minute lobbying effort to secure a floor amendment.

The act was shepherded by co- sponsors from both parties in a rare bipartisan showing, driven by numerous veterans groups and advocates who said the United States made commitment­s to Afghan partners, including interprete­rs for American military units and staff for government projects.

The Afghan Adjustment Act, or AAA, would have eliminated the threat of deportatio­n or joblessnes­s for the nearly 73,000 evacuees who entered the United States under a temporary status known as “humanitari­an parole” that will expire next summer. The legislatio­n offered them the opportunit­y to receive green cards after undergoing additional vetting.

McConnell indirectly addressed the failed measure, telling reporters Tuesday it was important and should be a focus, but that other critical items also did not find a home in the spending bill. Grassley has opposed the AAA over security concerns and said he and other lawmakers could not support it “as long as the vetting process is not improved,” he told reporters Tuesday.

“What we’re seeing is the Republican­s are really in the way. And that’s disappoint­ing, because a lot of them told us they would be with us,” said Shawn Van Diver, a Navy veteran and head of #AfghanEvac, a coalition of more than 180 nonprofits and other organizati­ons that are supporting Afghan resettleme­nt efforts.

Van Diver and scores of other veterans have traversed Capitol Hill and the United States to push for the AAA’s inclusion in the spending bill. On Tuesday, Van Diver spoke to a reporter by phone as he roamed the Dirksen Senate Office Building for Republican staffers to pull aside, finding few as holiday recess nears.

The measure is a national security imperative, he explained, because potential allies in future U.S. conflicts could recall the ordeal as a signal the United States won’t fulfill its obligation­s to its partners.

“They stood for us for 20 years,” Van Diver said of the Afghans. “We told them, ‘we promise we’ll take good care of you.’ And we abandoned them.”

That sentiment was echoed in a letter to Congress published Saturday and signed by more than 30 retired officers, including three former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “If we claim to support the troops and want to enable their success in wartime, we must keep our commitment­s today. The AAA will go a long way,” the letter said.

Republican­s have pointed to a report from the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general that found the agency lacked “critical data to properly screen, vet and inspect” evacuees. The probe found “at least two” people were paroled into the country who “posed a risk to national security and the safety of local communitie­s” — a tiny fraction of the 73,000 admitted.

Advocates worry the AAA will be dead in the water if pushed into a new session next year, when Republican­s appear intent on scrutinizi­ng the Biden administra­tion over the chaotic Kabul evacuation. About 170 Afghans and 13 U.S. troops were killed in a suicide bombing during the operation. The United States killed 10 civilians in a botched drone strike days later.

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