Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

A perfect time to organize: Here’s what to watch

- By Kathleen Christians­en

If the coronaviru­s has you confined inside, now is the perfect time to tackle organizati­on and other projects around your house or apartment.

“Many of us have a pile of papers, or a corner in the room, or even an entire room that needs a thorough organizati­on and while we are home it’s a great time to do it,” said Holly Rodwick, interior design program manager/professor at Seminole State College, in an email.

Juliana Daurio, owner of Orlando Home Organizer said the quarantine has given people time to see the big picture of how much stuff they’ve accumulate­d.

“My only word of warning is it can be overwhelmi­ng if they start doing too many projects at the same time,” she said.

Daurio recommends going room by room and sticking to one project at a time.

“If you find items that don’t belong in that room, just put it aside, do not try to go and bring it to a different area because most people get off-track,” she said.

Echoing that sentiment, Rodwick recommends making piles for donations, trash and things to keep.

“It also helps to do this with a buddy!” Rodwick said. “For one, you can keep each other accountabl­e for what you really should keep, especially if you have a hard time parting ways with objects. Plus it keeps you motivated … ”

And don’t worry about having matching containers; that can be sorted out later, Daurio noted.

“Right now we’re not able to buy anything,” she said. “They can improvise for now and just once this is over, they can go and buy the supplies they need.”

For those needing some visual inspiratio­n, here’s what you should watch. 12 minutes. Watch it on YouTube. in which you only own what you need, but at the very least, it will make you think twice before making a purchase and help you part with unnecessar­y belongings.

Watch it on Netflix.

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