Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Reigniting ‘sacred flame of America’s purpose’

- By Carole Claps BookTrib

There is a Cree proverb that says: “Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.”

These words are the essence of educator, ecopsychol­ogist and political philosophe­r Glenn Aparicio Parry’s beautifull­y written new book, “Original Politics: Making America Sacred Again,” the second of a three-part series (“Original Thinking” was the first). But it is the Native American influence on the founding of the United States that is its foundation­al theme.

America, Parry hopes, is creating a new melting pot. E pluribus unum — and this time, no one will be left out. And that includes the natural world. “We could be at a turning point where previously repressed voices begin to speak out and move American society toward a greater balance. We are all in this together,” says Parry, who had this in mind when writing the book. He realized that “some original thinking about American politics was necessary at this time because of the dysfunctio­nal state of American politics today. We are approachin­g a near Civil War atmosphere,” he says.

In this brilliant work, the author takes a hard look at the confusion and anarchy of the current American political landscape, a divided nation, the Trump administra­tion, the birth of the modern Democratic and Republican parties and the historical influences on the politics of gender and race relations and the environmen­t.

Parry puts forth intelligen­t

Glenn Aparicio Parry

‘Original Politics’

By Glenn Aparicio Parry; SelectBook­s, 368 pages, $19.95

concepts on how the founding vision of the United States was inspired by Native American cultures and how remarkably resilient they have been. Further, Parry traces the influence of Native America not only on the Founding Fathers but on the “founding mothers” of the 19th century women’s movement, as well as the 19th century abolitioni­st and modern ecological movements.

Native America has inspired what Parry sees as the sacred purpose of the nation: bringing all the world’s peoples together on one soil in a harmonious cultural mosaic of unity in diversity. In “Original Politics: Making America Sacred Again,” he is referring both to the nation and the place, the land of our ancestors. “Nothing is more important to me than protecting the environmen­t, having peace between nations and for America to be a beacon of hope for those in need,” says Parry.

With the upcoming 2020 presidenti­al election, a nation still at odds with the uncertaint­y of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic that has taken the lives of more than 100,000 Americans, life as we know it has been turned upside down, never to be the same again. In the past, a national crisis such as Sept. 11 brought out the best in people and seemed to unite a country. And yet, in 2020, it seems incredible that instead of coming together in the spirit of unity, it is a country more divided now than at any time in its history. “This crisis is being viewed through a highly partisan lens. The need for reconcilia­tion and healing is urgent,” says Parry. It’s a need that’s become amplified by Black Lives Matter protests surroundin­g the deaths of George Floyd and others, as well as the continued fight for LGBTQ rights.

As he writes in the book’s preface, “I yearned to find out more about how Native America may have influenced the founding of this nation and if it is still affecting us now. I felt a calling to reignite the sacred flame of America’s purpose — and to bring understand­ing and healing between diverse peoples.”

“Original Politics” is a must-read for anyone concerned about democracy, the future of this country, equal rights and the environmen­t. This book should be on the curriculum in every college in America.

Bestseller­s lists

Note to readers: Because of the holiday, Publishers Weekly was not able to provide the weekly bestseller­s lists by press time. It will resume next week.


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