Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Goren on Bridge

- With Bob Jones

North-South were using Texas transfers, which are very popular among today’s tournament players. A jump to four of a red suit, after a one no-trump bid by partner, transfers to the next higher suit. This applies even after a bid by the opponents.

The 10 of clubs lead, and the auction, suggested that East had the singleton jack and the clubs weren’t splitting 3-2. In addition, West probably had the ace of hearts and perhaps the ace of diamonds as well. It looked bleak, but South found a way home. He won the opening club lead with dummy’s ace and led a spade to his ace. When that felled the queen, South continued with the king of spades and a spade to the jack, drawing trumps.

The king of clubs was next, followed by a club to the queen. When declarer led a fourth club, he could have ruffed it and relied on East holding the ace of diamonds, but he did much better. He discarded a heart from dummy! West won the trick with his 10 of clubs and did his best by leading the ace of hearts. Had South ruffed this he would have lost three diamond tricks, but he discarded a diamond instead.

West had no choice now but to give South an entry with one of the red kings and South had his contract. Well done!

Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. E-mail responses may be sent to tcaeditors@tribune.com.


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