Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Reps. Soto, Serrano: Recognize Puerto Rico statehood vote

- Rep. Darren Soto, a Democrat, has represente­d Florida’s 9th District in theU.S. House since 2017. Rep. José Serrano, a Democrat, has represente­dNewYork in the U.S. House since 1990, now in the 15th District.

The idea is a simple one: OnNov. 3, our fellow Americans residing in Puerto Rico will vote on whether to become a state. If they vote yes, we should admit them as a state to the union without delay. This position is supported by long-standing American principles of democracy and equality. We must recognize the right of Americans in Puerto Rico to choose their own future through plebiscite­s. We must also respect their request for equal representa­tion in theU.S. Congress should they choose it.

This plebiscite builds upon the last two plebiscite­s, or direct votes. In 2012, there was a two-question ballot in which a majority of voters clearly rejected the current territoria­l status and chose statehood as their status preference. In 2017, statehood won by 97 percent among the options on the ballot, although voter turnoutwas low because itwas not held during the general election. These votes, however, were confused by proposals for a “commonweal­th status” thatwould be an unconstitu­tional, incompatib­le combinatio­n of statehood, nationhood, and territory status.

The upcoming plebiscite simplifies the issue by having a yes-or-no vote on whether Puerto Rico should be admitted as a state. This status vote will be held during the general election when voter turnout is at its highest. Moreover, voters can vote “yes” if they support statehood, or “no” if they oppose it for any reason.

The outcome of this plebiscite will be thatwe will have clear and definitive results that nobody will be able to question. Even Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court recently held that the 2020 plebiscite is constituti­onal.

After all, Puerto Rico’s current status as a territory is failing its residents. Puerto Ricans are American citizens by birth but cannot vote in the government that makes their national laws. The island has been in a 14-year-long economic depression, faces draconian cuts fromthe PROMESAfis­cal control board, still suffers fromcatast­rophic damage in thewake ofHurrican­es Irma andMaria, recently endured numerous earthquake­s, and is grappling— like every state and territory— with theCOVID-19 pandemic.

All the while, Puerto Rico receives unequal treatment in numerous federal programs, and theTrumpAd­ministrati­on’s response to these natural disasters and crises have been dismal.

It’s time for this debate to finally be decided and resolved for the good of the Island. Puerto Ricans cherish their American

citizenshi­p, a prized right sought by millions of immigrants across the world.

Fromthe famed Borinquene­ers to countless current members of the U.S. military, Puerto Ricans have answered the call to defend our nation at higher percentage­s than most states, despite their lack of votes. They also understand that statehood — equality— would bring equal opportunit­ies aswell as equality in federal programs. Abetter quality of life and more opportunit­ies for every Puerto Ricanwould allow Puerto Ricans not to be forced to leave their beloved Island.

The path to Puerto Rico statehood has quickly come into focus over the last few months. Themovemen­t to admit both Puerto Rico andWashing­ton, D.C., as states has become part of the national dialogue, with a broad and diverse coalition of supporters. President BarackObam­a recently stated that, “we should keep marching to make (our democracy) even better… by guaranteei­ng that every American citizen has equal representa­tion in our government, including the American citizens who live inWashingt­on, D.C., and in Puerto Rico. They’re Americans.” Democratic presidenti­al nominee and formerVice President Joe Biden has stated: “I happen to believe statehood to be the most effective means of ensuring that residents of Puerto Rico are treated equally with equal representa­tion at the federal level. But the people of Puerto Rico must decide, and the United States federal government must respect and act on that decision.”

Agrowing, bipartisan group ofHouse members, led byResident Commission­er Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon (R-Puerto Rico), Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) andwe, the undersigne­d, are blazing away forward in theU.S. House ofRepresen­tatives. Meanwhile, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently stated that his caucuswoul­d support the admission of both Puerto Rico andWashing­ton, D.C., as new states.

We have an obligation to grant equality to our fellowAmer­icans in Puerto Rico if they clearly vote for it. And if they do, togetherwe will forge another amazing chapter in the great American story of democracy and equality.

 ??  ?? By U.S. Reps. Darren Soto and Jose Serrano
By U.S. Reps. Darren Soto and Jose Serrano

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